
I actually really liked it

I'm curious to see how the live chat will work though.

Someone who prepares various meats and other related goods for sale… FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE!

Kid is in dire need of a smoke.

Stand among the series' best? Really?
I love the A.V. Club, but there is often a tendency to be pretty contradictory. Case in point:

I like how its one word…

I saw the Dark Knight in the ghettoplex…

What a compromise
I thought the film bought into way too many of the superhero myths that the graphic novel deconstructs, to the extent that it almost becomes a parody of itself. Moore's lack of involvement is pretty obvious. At least Miller was involved with 300, which was suppossed to be just badass.

that and all the other stuff
Kung Fu Panda made my summer

Pirates of the Caribbean: wrath of Medea

not having that
I thought the couch gag was way too family guy. Apart from that, I'm not quite sure why I hated it…

On another note
The name of the fruit came before the name of the colour

It does actually

People like lager and crisps
People like coldplay and voted for the nazis, You cant trust people.

Maybe its something to do with the words "high school basketball coach" and "oversized penis." Just because Dexter works as a series as a loveable serial killer, then next obvious step is a kooky pedo…

I'd say just recite the review to the wail of an out of tune violin, dig?