Steve Rogers

" 'transgendered' even being a word it all is dubious" You could look in a dictionary, where you will find it. I don't suppose you do a lot of looking things up, though, do you?

Just being an idiot.

What the fuck is your problem, anyway?

Going through my posts to judge me? What a freak.

Adolescent power fantasy? Yeah, it's a super-hero movie, an adolescent power fantasy is exactly what it's supposed to be! That's like dogging a Holocaust movie for being sad.

We don't know at what stage of transition the person in question is. How could Dan give a straight (tee-hee) answer to that? If he is just beginning, then he can get pregnant just like any other biological female.

Wherefore means "why", not "where". That is all.

So gay people are the ones being intolerant when they don't pony up $13.50 to see his movie. You'd think he'd been tarred and feathered, the poor thing. When you say things that piss people off, they aren't gonna pay to hear more from you. I doubt "OSC" will be paying to see the Liberace biopic, is that bullying, too?

' Still, it’s hard to argue against the notion that things have gotten
worse when Hanson ends up bludgeoned to death shortly after delivering
his ode to what “used to be.”'
C'MON! 44 year old spoiler alert!

Guy, when a comedian tells you "this is true", and you believe it, you're the joke.

the best parts This is the End were not on the trailer. Such a bizarre movie, even if you don't like it, you won't walk away saying "I feel like I've seen that before."

Rodney Dangerfield had some really funny opening sketches, like the one where he goes back to his old neighborhood all nostalgic and everyone there hates him, and he hits on his elderly schoolteacher. Haven't seen any good ones this millennium, though.

I find it really hard to believe that someone would so fervently defend rapists if he wasn't among them.