It seems
They made that song a bit too early
It seems
They made that song a bit too early
Setting yourself up for a lifetime of failure I see
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and Go Car Go were my favorites
I liked Jeanine's boobs
No no no, you've got it all wrong, all 3 of those bands rode Green Day's coat tails
The soundtrack tells you everything you need to know about the movie, especially this movie.
Beetle, the order of the engineer ring was the first thing that came to my mind when I misread the title.
"Mangagement Rings"
I read that as "Management Rings" and was confused for a second because there really isn't anything special about being a manager.
My wife walked down the isle to Apocolyptica playing Nothing Else Matters, no one really knew what the song was so no one was bothered by it but we secretly knew
The phrase is
When in Rome, do as the Romans do
Cheeseburgers was the first thing that popped into my head.
Musical Chairs
Doesn't the game end with only one person who is not out? So in effect he is getting rid of all but one of the higher ups?
I always thought FTW meant Fuck the World, guess I'm getting old
I think it's because she gives really good blow jobs
It's kind of sad to see all the great blues musicians and singers dying off with no one to step up and make more good blues music.
I'd pay to hear an acoustic version of Egg Raid on Mojo
But if you don't read the WoW forums how do you know what's wrong with the game?
My wife seems to enjoy the show, I still don't understand why though
Fare thee well senior Chang