@avclub-c70194b792ea062c5365b619fd3050b3:disqus I believe he is fully deaf in one ear in real life too
@avclub-c70194b792ea062c5365b619fd3050b3:disqus I believe he is fully deaf in one ear in real life too
The name stood for mostly deaf, he has like 75% less hearing ability than most people. It's also slang for most definitely
Homer moved in with 2 gay guys in the "gay" side of Springfield, Smithers lived nearby
Hitler killed 12 million people in the Holocaust, 6 million of them were Jews.
For those of you who don't want to read Youtube comments on accident I highly recommend the Herp Derp extension in Chrome. It replaces all the comments on videos with various random Herps and Derps.
I thought they showed Coldhands in last seasons finale, when the brothers were fleeing the fist of the first men
It's not really even that he's dumb, or even naive but that because of his uncle's mistake pushing Tywin towards the capitol he really doesn't have any kind of strategy that can unfuck his predicament.
Torture never has been and never will be in the right hands
Don't understand the Andy Dwyer joke, but if Ted's 34 then 1/2x+7 would be 24
That's exactly why I clicked too. Expected to see him holding a microphone and asking questions to get no response from a shaking rabbit in the corner of a windowless van.
There was a cameo from the mayor in SOA in New Girl as well
There was a cameo from the mayor in SOA in New Girl as well
This combined with goatse could wreak a lot of havoc
This combined with goatse could wreak a lot of havoc
Shouldn't they just be calling themselves TC? Too Soon?
Shouldn't they just be calling themselves TC? Too Soon?
Could be that's what they were going for, purposefully keeping it out of mainstream with a ridiculous name.
Could be that's what they were going for, purposefully keeping it out of mainstream with a ridiculous name.
It seems like they're trying to just make a new name for emo, that doesn't have any of the negative implications of the term emo, so that someone will listen to them.