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    Let me guess, another 5-second clip. Just let me know when the site feels like publishing the whole interview. She’s worth the time.

    Yeah, as far as I know that was it.

    What was the conflict there? I did always feel that her storyline got rushed but assumed it was due to her availability.

    Three years late but yes this is what I was scrolling for. There’s absolutely no explanation for why the time capsule is on a spaceship, or why it would be opened on board.

    A takeoff on Burden of Dreams just might be too much meta for anyone to handle.

    Might have taken a while for the video to leak. It wasn’t exactly a public event.

    I doubt they’ll go with Shuri, if the stories about Wright’s anti-vax stance delaying production on this one are true.

    She’s neither the first nor the last TV star to want to leave their series for the movies. And I suspect she didn’t want to get typecast as a mom through her breakout role.

    This article isn’t about the post-credits cameo. It’s about Kamala’s apparent Mutant status, which I guess is a big deal because until the Fox acquisition, Marvel Studios couldn’t use the word.

    John Byrne’s Shulkie was transparently based on bodybuilder Rachel McLish:

    Barrett could never make that shirt work.

    And include a detailed description of that shirt in the transcript.


    I have to think that even a hick farmboy like Luke would know that if “Darth” means you’re a Sith, you can’t also be a Jedi.

    A lot of people on this tangent need to look up the definition of “momentarily.”

    In STAR WARS (1977), there’s plenty of folks addressing him as “Lord Vader.” Indeed, in the original version of the end credits, the character is listed as Lord Darth Vader.

    I’m Star Wars Orthodox. I’ve never accepted ROTJ as “A” canon.

    Based on this show I’m not convinced that any of those soldiers or younglings are actually dead.

    In the movie STAR WARS (1977), Ben refers to “a young Jedi named Darth Vader.” It was his given name, at least until the prequels retconned it as a Sith honorific.

    I get that she’s hurt. But we’re seriously just skipping past how she pulled her guts together enough to get to Tatooine DAYS ahead of Kenobi?