Whiskered Sot

I ... didn’t mind Jason Takes Manhattan ...

It’s not just that it was a typo, it was the kind of 3rd grade mistake that any decent editor (or writer, really) should have caught.

I loved both but Crash does have James Spader and Elias Koteas getting in on so it has the slight edge over Titane. 

Holy shit. Every time I think the AV Club’s quality has hit rock bottom, I see something like this.

“...he may of collapsed...”    Something’s wrong here.


You must have a thing for dudes with punchable faces

Am I the only person who’s legitimately 30-70% less likely to watch this for the simple reason that Miles Teller is in it in a major role? It’s fine if it’s just me.

That’s what I was thinking:  I hang out with a couple coworkers and a couple former coworkers outside of work, other than that the people I work with are colleagues and not friends.  I have plenty of friends, I don’t need to be friends with the people I’m forced to be around 8 hours a day 5 days a week, thanks.

Cattrall’s perspective seems incredibly healthy and well-adjusted to me. It’s OK to be professional but not friends with your coworkers (in fact, I would argue it’s likely preferable. I have liked and had good working relationships with most of my coworkers over the last 25 years. Only a few of these coworkers have

I think it will end “Newhart” style with Michael Bluth waking up from a dream where he was living in the Ozarks.

I always knew the symbols on the title card were hinting at things to come in that episode, but I think it was the third season before I realized they were literal representations of the letters Z-A-R-K inside the big O.

To be fair, Cruise looks a decade younger the Crowe but that’s because his Xenu cult is pumping him full of young blood 

“[The Mummy] was probably the biggest failure of my life, both personally and professionally.”

“Mainly what I regret is that I directed it, because I am a terrible hack who ruins everything I touch.”

What, after all, is this age group meant to be pleased with? This age group overwhelmingly wanted Bernie Sanders’ much more ambitious, much more radical platform, and has instead been forced to watch Biden renege on even his very mildest campaign promises, like canceling student loan debt and decriminalizing

Ah yes, Trump destroyed the country, and Joe hasn’t fixed everything in the one year he’s been on the job. Clearly, he’s an abject failure, and we should all just sit at home this November, and let the GOP take over Congress again. Maybe they WON’T destroy the country THIS time.

You could take position that those things don’t really matter, no like [insert your pet issue here], but that’s just moving the goalposts. Bottom line: saying Joe Bide has done “nothing” he said he would is inaccurate on its face; it is a lie.

I would love to live in a multi-party system with ranked-choice voting.

This age group overwhelmingly wanted Bernie Sanders’ much more ambitious, much more radical platform