
Nice Price but ONLY for a Volvo aficionado. But that said, it’ll sell at that price to one so still NP.

then why is she in a fire-suit, guy?

I feel like they’re setting a terrible example putting her in a fire suit but NOT in a helmet, I mean wtf. 

There’s damn good reason EVs don’t use hub motors....

AEB and all major level 2 self driving cars on the market DO NOT STOP FOR STATIONARY OBJECTS AT HIGHWAY SPEEDS BY DESIGN. This is not just Tesla. It’s a driver not paying attention, period. Blaming the car is absurd. 

my comment was a full month ago and the price when clicked was 300+ back then. 

my comment was a full month ago and the price when clicked was 300+ back then. 

Here’s the thing though, UAW in DETROIT is set to restart manufacturing here on May 11th. Detroit is one of the worst hot-beds in the country but extremely strict orders have worked and restarting manufacturing with safety in mind is now acceptable. The Bay area by no means has it *anywhere* as bad as the Detroit

Nope, not paying any sort of price gouging. If you’ve held out this long without one then hold on a bit longer, Nintendo is increasing production. 

Nope, not paying any sort of price gouging. If you’ve held out this long without one then hold on a bit longer,

Epic Games Store exclusive on PC other than hardcopy? Hard pass

this article wasn’t posted on 4/1 there bud

I mean.....you *did* street park a $100,000 car in DETROIT. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I mean, it’s not just the women leaving, everyone is on their way out from the whole dang company these days

VERY important to note Volvo’s system was purposely disabled in that vehicle by UBER

As an owner of a car with full adaptive highbeams that can dynamically aim around any other cars on the road BUT has the feature disabled because it’s illegal in the USA.....yes, i’m all for reform and letting my damn car do what it’s already built to do! (new S60)

All this and you don’t even include a photo of the engines on the boat? Pathetic

He didn’t drive off, he immediately pulled over after realizing what happened and stayed until the cops came and claims exactly what I stated. Maybe read the articles before spouting off next time

....it’s a pretty frequent occurrence actually

Jason, you been drinking mate? This is a very standard thing that happens frequently. You literally cannot see a low car in front of a big-rig with a forward cab and that rock-slinger is so heavy and so low geared that it wouldn’t even feel that tiny car in front either. Car cuts off truck so close it’s not seen, then

huh? Volvo is doing fantastic with the new models, they’re selling just fine and reviews are generally quite positive for the price compared to an equivalent BMW or Mercedes 

Calling it now, they will not ship a vehicle with that size battery pack for anything under 100grand. Their advertised prices are bogus.