
i bet she gives great helmet

Sorry, I can’t take any helmet buyers guide seriously if the Bell RS-1 isn’t mentioned. It is, hands down, the best helmet in that price range and can be had for under $300 on sale. Not to mention the available photochromaic visor

Of course each maker fits different heads better, and the scorpion is a great helmet, but

Assuming the SLS boondoggle actually gets off the ground before 2020....i have my doubts.

No such thing as too much power, only not enough rubber.

According to the craiglist the rear suspension is now airride...so, dunno.

Must have been a faulty guard rail design, the ends are specifically supposed to crush and bend out of the way to prevent this sort of thing. The fact that it happened means the guard rail designer changed the design. Happened near where I live, guard rail designer made it an inch smaller without telling anyone,

I just don’t understand the beetle even being part of this. but hey guess it works

“The fuel already space qualification testing”

I think you accidentally a word

Most serious riders should look in the $300-$400 range, that’s where they’ve got the RS1. This new tech will eventually trickle down to that range, but under $250 really is quite cheap for a high end helmet, not likely to see this tech at that level for a long time

How do you compare the RS-1 to the others? I have the RS1 and found it has by far the best venting/cooling i’ve ever used. Worth the extra to step up to their higher models?

They’re also the only company whose helmets get 5stars across the board in full-face in the newer style tests like the SHARP system, though SHARP doesn’t seem to have tested their newer models.

I have a Bell RS-1 and it is by far the best helmet i’ve ever owned, and i’ve owned a LOT of helmets. Really impressed by what Bell is doing with these new ones and eventually the tech will trickle down to their more affordable models like the RS1.

Quantum Leap
Knight Rider (seriously, with modern CGI/cars it could be so badass)

And Quantum Leap!!

That was my dad with a matchless he rebuilt in his college apartment livingroom....he sold it way back, and now his specific bike is worth like 50grand, needless to say he regrets selling it

Gotta also take into account the Vegas market that this one is being sold in, and that asking price is absolutely fine there

Now playing

NASA still uses underwater training extensively. In fact, there’s a very recent planetarium/full dome feature about it:

It’s one of those things that, if no one really notices or complains about it until they’re TOLD it exists, it really doesn’t matter. That is what happened in this case. No one cared until these BS lab tests came out, because in the real world no one noticed because it’s not a big difference.

Forget the porsche, dat XK120 mmmmmmmmmmmyesplease

My 2012 15”rMBP’s screen is solid as a rock, as is my 2009. Subtle vibrations when really pounding on it sure, but nothing more. What’s being described on the surfacebook is a LOT more than that. Keep in mind the screen itself is what, almost 2 pounds on it because it’s the whole surface, that’s not gonna be steady