
Red Sox fan here, there’s nothing to squim about. He was a great pitcher on the field and did a lot on the field for the franchise. Off the field he’s a bigot and a total embarassment and I disagree with everything he says and does. You can enjoy the contributions he made to the team while also knowing that he’s a

That’s funny, because I’m a Red Sox fan and I don’t have a problem distancing him as a player who spent a handful seasons in my team’s uniform from a hateful idiot spewing noxious garbage. Maybe your friends are idiots.

In Flair’s defense, no one has ever had a good morning at Logan.

Oh, this is about exercise and not compressing my actual misery.

See where writing autographs in college eventually leads you?

I believe your signature is incorrect. It should be “Every Guy”.

1000 times this. I wanted to get drunk and relax with my buddies on my bachelor party. Sure I missed my fiance but I didn’t miss the disapproving glances when I was throwing up in a bowling alley bathroom, instead I was met with another shot in the bar and hours more fun. Same goes for all the husbands and boyfriends

Never invite the bride’s relatives... unless you do it to keep yourself in line.

No. No no no no no. No.

Counterpoint: No f***ing way.

It has nothing to do with the interference call. Look at that girl’s reaction. I know a sidepiece when I see one.

Oh, you’re one of those people. I will, without fail, kick you out of my seat.

You are the reason it takes twice as long to board an aircraft than it should. Thanks for making life a little more miserable for the rest of us.

There’s a reason you’re a writer and not a TV/radio personality: nobody wants to look at you or hear from you. Just type it out next time.

Type it out, dick bag.

just now noticed for the first time they mixed up the position of the words “writer” and “chef”

Just build a giant net over the country and make the mosquitoes pay for it. Problem solved.

excess vinegar users are no better than fish microwavers, IMO.

“I am Vilipolvius Frenz, from the Ruanada quadrant, leader of the Gracciponides. I have transformed my energy into a ball and approached your highest energy flow, emanating from what appears to be a a slow-moving but birdlike and willowy warrior. Now that I have made my way into your earthen vessel, may I speak to the

Ugh. As a Jew living in New York, I say...