
Jesus, I'm a fan and all, but lemme get a NSFW-ish tag in the title...

key word potential.........They get destroyed by Toucher and Rich in the radio ratings.......I'm not sure what the tv numbers are but I cant see it being above 2 mil?

Please get Dennis & Callahan off the air....they are terrible.

T&R has consistently slayed them in the ratings here for years though. People in the city don't listen to EEI.

You guys know you like Toucher and Rich and 98.5 the sports hub. WEEI Does not represent what most people listen to in Boston. This station is a dinosaur.

It's nice to finally see the wife of a Raven drag their husband into something for once.

Next thing you know they'll be closing the Josh Brent Driving Academy.

When your boy is ready, this account is for him.

Parents Night is dreadful. Last year I was singled out by a teacher in a room full of judgmental parents because my 3rd grader, for the "art show", drew a picture of a chicken giving a horse a hand-job. Seriously. I have the photo prove it if you provide me with an e-mail to send it. When I got home, I feared

Boston resident here, and no, we pretty much all think Cherington and management fucked up by signing AJP, and we did from the moment they signed him. People here (at least the ones I read/know) have wanted the youth movement that's only starting now for several weeks. It's generally accepted that last year was a one

Do you think the "Fans" think in unison? Not all fanbase are single-minded Jason.

the fans aren't feeding the writers with this information. it comes from the players & more likely the team. These reports cite "team sources" not butt-hurt fans.

I could see the replica trophy fooling people. But using cardboard cutouts as defenders yesterday proved ill-advised.

Jeanette Daniels Benziger: "The Liberty Bell is in Philadelphia. I look forward to taking my niece there someday."

Headline: "76ers concerned about Joel Embiid's medical history, but not as concerned as they are about the Holocaust".

Here we see the elusive loweridius texicanius engaging in a never before seen mating display. The darker male struts and jumps in an attempt to attract the more colorful female. And he's successful! The female notes his prowess and pounces to begin the courtship.

As a huge Browns fan, I can relate. Last year, I proposed to my girlfriend outside of destitute, shit-stained junkyard when all of a sudden, a boorish, ash covered creature crawled out from under his cardboard box. "Congratulations, I hope it turns out for the best," he said in passing. What an experience. Though she

As a Mets fan, I can totally relate. At some point you just need to make up your own championships if you want to feel like a winner.

This is all about sucking, so I'll begin with me, in a parking lot...

Try my favorite one instead.