Avatar of Belle

Nothing against car wash, but one of the joys of having a port cochere and a pressure washer with foam gun..

And Daniel Henney

Given that exploring Samurai World is a possibility, pretty please GRANT US THE BLESSINGS OF KEN WATANABE, JOHN CHO AND DANIEL DAE-KIM ON TV ALL AT ONCE.

I would not only eat that, I would wear the perfume.

Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.

It is Cholula. But it should have been Tapatio.

excuse me, that’s Cholula.

You do a very good job of laying out the basics of the situation. For perspective on the matter, the studio I work for is currently accepting applications for programmers. Of the applications I have dealt with none have been women.
The industry is not even reaching the moment at which we could choose our hires based

I’ll assume you’re commenting in good faith despite your use of an awful buzzword like “identity politics,” so consider this: Lots of girls are taught that video games and game development are for men. Girls Make Games is an institution designed to teach girls that hey, they can play and make video games too, which

Pet thread: Show me your pets! Here are our dogs, Nibbles and Indiana Bones.

Great article. Our motorsport club is working hard to attract more female members by providing a respectful environment where all members can develop their passion and driving skills. It’s not perfect. But many of us in the club do our very best so that women enjoy their time behind the wheel without having to be

Oh sure, NOW the republicans believe in science

She does look great, but I’m skeptical of that size 4 thing. She looks like I did at a size 8.

Sure, right. That you weren’t listening doesn’t mean she was not putting forth policy. You know why I wasn’t passionate about her on Facebook in the year before the election, even though I WAS passionate about her? Because my asshole leftie friends made me worried about expressing my support. When, during the

That’s not remotely true. Just because you ignored her frequent, passionate speeches on policy — with specific plans for implementing all of them — doesn’t mean it never happened.

I think I hate him less because I hate Trump so much. I don’t have enough malice to go around.