Avatar of Belle

I’m trying to become a stuffed crust pizza and I mentioned to my parents that I’m nervous about the timing of some upcoming family weddings, because if I am not drinking then people might get their hopes up that I am knocked up, and I wouldn’t want to make any family announcements till 3 months. My mom and dad laughed

Anyone else here have a sudden, nagging need to do their exercise of choice? I mean, I just broke my own personal best for 1.5km swim yesterday (35:47!), but I feel like I need to hit the lake, like right now.

This is me too, I get rid of everything on the under carriage but keep the top part more or less the natural shape but trimmed down


asking for supervised visits with a male who has a lengthy and public record of assault and anger issues seems pretty reasonable, imo.

How to start your day like Mocena:

Is it wrong that when I read this I pictured the back peddling statement going as so...

If you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, call the national domestic abuse hotline at 1-800-799-3224

MSF is the one charity that I’ve found that doesn’t have some sort of hidden agenda or insane ‘administrative costs’ that mean that only $0.10 of every dollar I donate actually gets used to help people. Consequently, it’s gotten 100% of my charitable donations for at least 8 years, and will inherit my estate one day...

I have a child. I’m still 100% committed to my dogs. If they needed to be destroyed because they were psychologically damaged, I would not drop them off at a shelter. I would have the maturity and courage to hold them while they were put to sleep.

The dog was biting people. Frankly they waited too *long*. Being sued was absolutely a possibility at any time, and it’s just irresponsible to keep bringing a dog out in public that you KNOW is going to try and bite people and attack other dogs.

You are probably going to get a lot of dumb posts from people (who haven’t spent a day in their life volunteering with homeless pets) about how this was all your fault. And those posts will list all the things you “should” have done.

Hey there, crusaders. Katie is clearly cool with it.

And if I’m not ungreyed after I photoshopped an ibex for you people I just give the fuck up.

My mom left my 6 year old brother on the side of the road in the rockie mountains once and told him he should stop complaining because complaining attracts bears. Then drive right off. Because that’s how parents in the 70’s rolled.

this mama dog had a far better Mothers’ Day:

When my wife was bald and in chemo, I'd have given anything to have to deal with random hair around the house. When she first started chemo, it fell out in giant clumps, leaving a halo of her naturally blonde hair on her pillow and wherever she sat. Eventually, she asked me to shave her head and that was when it all

FINALLY, and EXACTLY. It’s not about “do be chill” or “don’t be chill,” it’s about “don’t try to pretend to be someone you’re not for a dude (or for a lady), because that never ends well.” Be considerate, be respectful, be honest, and be yourself, and if they’re not buying what you’re selling then they weren’t the

I’ve had relationships (or whatever they were) that were chill and I’ve had relationships that had absolutely no chill. I think the problem is, and what the author was talking about is when one person decides to become a thermometer and match the levels of “chill” exactly to the person they want. That almost always