I dunno, if it was wasn’t for the photo, o would have thought it was Motley Crue
I dunno, if it was wasn’t for the photo, o would have thought it was Motley Crue
“The half that brought you Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark!”
“Wankers.” -- Adam Clayton
I would think this and I’m not that old.
Fred Savage: Beast? Film at eleven.
I've never worked somewhere that had an HR dept that wouldn't do everything to bury me if I filed a complaint. They aren't really there for regular workers
I feel like I Think You Should Leave could’ve been renewed even without the oral. His father didn’t need to do the oral.
I’m scared about how much I need wine!
I can’t even watch this show anymore without a big pour of wine...and popcorrrrn!
Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!
Tax evasion. Money laundering. Disguising illicit transactions as legitimate. I named three.
Nah man you don’t get it man it’s like decentralized and shit, you know? Like, it’s like, there’s not like The Man telling us how to um...I mean shit it’s like decentralized dawg, know what I mean?
When anti-fascists are the “enemy”, you’ve become the fascists.
They are assholes, not fascists. In fact, they are “fighting” against their perceived oppression by the government. In that way, they too are anti-fascist.
It depends on what Fox News tells them to be afraid of this week. Illegal immigrants, abortion, pedophiles, Disney turning all the kids gay, Fauci, M&M’s wearing flats instead of high heels, Dijon mustard, tan suits, the war on Christmas... take your pick. It’s amazing these morons have enough courage to leave their…
well they are a group of fascists, so anyone who opposes them is antifa by definition
“I’ll call George Washington antifa if it’ll get my dad to finally notice me!” — these clowns (probably)
Fuck that all just sounds....awful. Will James Corden just please fuck off back to England?