“I think he’s saying a straight person can’t pull off gay”
“I think he’s saying a straight person can’t pull off gay”
Honestly, what questions do you have?
I’m guessing the difference is that he was cool with the Mediterranean, as much as it pained him?
Lame computer nerd chiming in here — Microsoft weirdly reclassified IS a year or so back, saying some lawyerly-as-sh!t like “Internet explorer is no longer a browser. It is a legacy testing tool.”
I almost feel like voting is waste of time for guys like him in a system that allows dollars and celebrity to do so much electorally.
Watching fox all day is exactly why they consider themselves “centrist”. They get a steady drip feed of “progressive taxation (etc) is RADICAL” all day, every day.
1. Word play
That guy's gonna live forever just to make it clear to everyone that there's no such thing as justice in the universe.
I don’t think there’s any way you’ll get 71% of Americans to watch anything together, ever again.
“...no history of mental illness.”
Tanks? I’d worry more about their ability to silently & invisibly vaporize me from a few thousand feet up via drone. Good luck defending yourself from that with an AR.
“Our schools should be surrounded by razor-wire, with multiple armed guards, steel-reinforced self-locking classroom doors, bulletproof glass, and a single, fortified entry acting as a choke point. For Freedom.”
I mean, obviously Steve Scalise learned an important lesson: baseball players should always feel compelled to sport a gun belt and likely several ammo bandoliers. Ya know, For Freedom.
Wonderful. My worst breakdown was post-school dance (pre cellphones), on a suuuuper awkward setup date with a girl whom i exchanged probably 5 words over the night.
Six *thousand* and thirty years, thank you.
Why on earth would marketing scale 1:1? I feel like that maybe makes sense somewhere around the median, but on the outer quartiles it seems bonkers.
Who the F*** is “El Muerto”? I know who Bad Bunny is. Why not make a movie about Bad Bunny, or write a character for Bad Bunny? Bad Bunny — the person who people are interested in, and not some bottom-barrel IP that 99.98% of humans have never heard of (for good reason).
It’s always baffling to me how some people expect civilians to make perfect, Gold Medal decisions in high-adrenaline situations (e.g., you’re with your kid and you hit a huge animal on a busy highway and your airbags deploy).
Is that weird Peewee looking guy Vince Vance? Is he in the band? What does he play? Is the girl singing Vince Vance? Is she supposed to be in love with Peewee-guy or the dog?
Did you watch the music video in the article? I have nothing but questions. The “bomb iran” thing makes it even more baffling.