
Guitar Rising and Guitar Wizard are real-guitar PC games that have been nearly ready for release for a few years now, and Power Gig is another for the PS3 and XBox that's supposed to be out in the fall.

A work buddy is an extremely valuable co-conspirator when there's someone who needs to be eliminated from your company...

As far as I am concerned, texting is for when you want a hard-copy. Text me a phone number or an address, text me a list of things that need to get done, but don't text me conversation.

I got stuck house-sitting a place with no internet, but was able to boost the neighbor's wireless up to usable levels by mounting my USB wifi in front of a frying pan on a piece of coathanger, which I then taped to the back of a chair. A few minutes of adjusting for angle and depth and I was good to go.

@mawcs: Current theory is that the first step in learning a language is getting a 2,000-word vocabulary. Once you have that, you're set to actually use the language in a realistic way. Before that, you're too hampered by lack of vocab to actually use the language functionally. So this won't "teach" you the

@joeny1980: If you're interested in real adventure, Turkish is a great language to learn, since its dialects are spoken all across Central Asia.

@Erin Ellenburg: If you compost in an oil drum, your compost is going to be contaminated with the oil. The same goes for any sort of industrial non-food substance.

I'd have put the door on the end instead of the side: less weight strain on the latch and hinges.

@gburke: Alternatively, you could be awakened by the police at your destination after fondling the person in the seat next to you. "Of course you don't remember that! I never remember any of my sex assaults, either!"

I grew up barefoot and prefer a minimal shoe like Vans slip-ons or Chuck Taylors. Never had a problem with running in either of them.

I guess it's an alternative to looking at the administration HTML.

Sets that clip to a master ring is the best idea. I keep my car key on a separate ring from my other keys so I don't have a giant mass of metal hanging from the ignition switch when I'm driving.

Finally! I've been looking for a dual-flush kit for years. Absurd that something so simple and available overseas took so long to get to America...but then, we are the land of waste.

@rebeldevil: I treat lagers the way I treat salad: straight to compost.

There are "homeowner's" associations* that prohibit gutters in some areas of my city. This is a good workaround for that problem...especially since it does look a bit ghetto.

@89macrunner: Try it on a crappy blade. I discovered that I could rehabilitate an old blade by rubbing down on it with my thumb after my girlfriend used my last blade to shave her legs. I was ruefully running my thumb down it after discovering the damage, and when I started to shave, I noticed that it was much

I use the ball of my thumb. Forearm sounds interesting, but I suspect it's a little more tender.

I worked at a place that did a tape backup of their POS server every night...and then stacked the tapes on top of the server. Sure, the NOC had a Halon system, but that wouldn't do us much good if the power supply on the server decided to melt down.

@chaircrusher: The girls in the dorm used to drink Crystal Light and vodka, referred to it as Poison. It was foul, but relatively low-cal, and once you got used to it it was bearable.

I KNEW there was something useful I could do with all those DVD cylinders besides storing bagels in them!