Ava St. Claire

It’s ridiculous for a group of men to declare whether something is sexist, but no more ridiculous than her claim of sexism here. Besides these fucking people’s bloated self importance and lack of self awareness, there’s nothing to see here.

Given the two children’s vaginal trauma and the testimony that the father engineered the accusations, it seems a lot like someone did genitally abuse the children as part of framing these four lesbian women. Are he and whoever was working with him going to be prosecuted now? I hope so.

Mike Pence looks like Dr. Drew’s uptight closeted brother.

Mike Pence looks like you’d find him strangling prostitutes on an episode of Law & Order SVU.

which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.

A lot of adult actresses escort on the side and $10,000 for a date is pretty standard.

This took place when I was about 10 years old. My mom had rather quickly filed for divorce, but she only had a part-time job and made very little money, so finding a place to stay that was affordable and available immediately was tough. A friend of hers told her that she and her husband had

I have three, all having to do with the house I grew up in.

Yesss the Wikipedia ploy synopsis! I can’t handle watching them, but damn if I’m not curious about what happens. Glad to know I’m not the only one.


I just lost my mind and read like 20 blind items in a row. Here’s what the consensus seems to be plus my analysis:

See Don, this is a “IT WAS JUST A JOKE” moment. It’s not inviting a foreign power to hack your political opponent.

Also this guy was losing the fight so pulled a gun?

I don’t use the word hate lightly. I also try to remember that most people aren’t good or bad, everyone has some humanity, etc, etc.

There's one with butterfly wings somewhere in Brooklyn.

Only thing worse than an Erica is a group of Ericas. Slinging cheesy art that is the instagram version of clickbait.

theres a similar mural in LA and EVERYONE insta’s in front of it too.

The truly sad thing is that had to deliver their own pink slips.

There is a lot to unpack here.

No snark intended, I feel like putting the word suicide in a header should be ample warning about the topic at hand. One should proceed with caution if that is really a trigger for them.