Ava St. Claire

“Withold the sex but provide the ‘emotional and intellectual’ parts of the service, then see if you get paid.” HOLY SHIT, I HAVE AND I DID!

Oh cool, are you a prostitute? You seem to speak with a lot of authority on the subject. I’m so glad to hear you found a way to make money despite your apparent intellectual shortcomings! Get it, Nick T.!

First off, of course I’m not going to answer those questions. I can share my side of the story, but I’m not going to speak for my husband on a public forum. I will tell you that he DOES know about my job, though. I don’t know why you assume I’d have to lie to my husband to work as an escort, but I’m not trying to

Haha I don’t know! I wrote a comment on it when I first saw it, before I realized it was a sponsored post. A couple of days later.... Boom.

Oh, absolutely. There are so many types of sex work and so many different types of sex worker. Lumping us all together and indiscriminately labeling us all as needing to be “rescued” doesn’t help anyone. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what tends to happen when you have a conversation about sex work without the input of

You’re absolutely right about a few things: 1. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be in the sex work field because they choose to be. For some women, it’s hard and miserable and scary and the need support and better options to get out of it. I fully understand that.

Bingo. Thank you.

First of all, what you’re saying IS offensive. You make it sound as though I haven’t the intelligence or ambition to have figured out something better to do. I’m not “getting by on my looks” (though they help). I’ve made a career for myself that I truly enjoy, allows me to fully provide for myself and my family, and

“Without sounding like dbags”

Normally when a stranger asks me this many personal questions In a row... I’m being paid for my time lol.

Aren't you charming?

Lol that sounds familiar.

As I grew older and embraced feminism, I realized that I didn’t want to live in a world where everyone could profit off of my sexuality but me. As a model, I was tired of being praised when I was the sexy subject of the male gaze, but condemned as a slut for looking and behaving the same way when the cameras were off.

Just one— I’ve been married for 8 years, in this profession for 4.

As an actual current sex worker, I'm excited (and terrified) to read the comments on these upcoming articles.

Your cousin and I have pretty much identical lineage lol. Only difference is I identify as a Latina first and Black second. True story: when I first got my drivers license, there was no “other” box to check under Race. When I explained my background and pointed out the issue, the DMV guy sighed and said, “Look... Do