jezebel wouldnt misrepresent anything to further their agenda
jezebel wouldnt misrepresent anything to further their agenda
Taylor Swift is 26. She has been very skillful when it comes to PR for her whole career. But go ahead uplift your Queen of White Feminism.
I appreciate your rage, but it’s also sad in an ironic way that your comment got so many upvotes this poor girl’s asscrack is no longer hidden behind a NSFW tag and is now the top image below this story on a major news site. As a (former) teenage girl, I’d be dying of mortification right about now. So yeah, agreeing…
Because she IS.
Taylor looks like a liar who sold out a friend from where I’m sitting.*
Kim and Kanye have both been famous for over 10 years... I think you need to accept that they aren't one-hit wonders.
Re: your last paragraph - EXACTLY. Wow Selena and Chloe, didn’t realize the two of you were such active advocates for social justice issues *eyeroll*
Not only did she make no effort at hiding who she wrote about, she left clues in her lyric sheets as to the identity of the men she was singing about. This is why I used to get annoyed when she kept saying people talked about her singing about her exes all the time because she was a woman. No, Taylor. You leave clues…
YES! Girl, we all know you write songs about your exes and can easily connect the dots, and it didn’t even take the internet a DAY to figure out Bad Blood was about Katy Perry. I like some of Taylor’s music but her complete lack of self-awareness in matters like this bugs the FUCK outta me. I mean... if she did in…
But she played the victim to Kanye’s mean, “unhinged”, misogynistic Black man, though. The media and certain segments of the public eat that shit up, is it any wonder Ms. Swift has held on to that status for nearly 10 years.
TSwift still used White Tears and the fact the (white) public sees her as more pure than Kim in this PR war and Talented Ms. Swift lost.
Also the victimhood angle is pretty silly given the fact she got rich putting out diss tracks about anyone and everyone who crossed her path, made no effort to hide who she was targeting and (I assume) never bothered to ask permission or give warnings. I like Tay but girlfriend, you got played at your own game here.…
As conspiracy theory as this sounds, I feel like it plays more into Taylor’s strategy to have approved it, then pretend like she didn’t so she can play the victimized innocent white girl routine she likes to play.
Kim has plenty of talent - she’s very talented at being famous. If you don’t think that requires skill, ask yourself what happened to every other ‘famous for being famous’ person from the last twenty years. Kim is the only one who just keeps on commanding that spotlight.
Oh for Pete’s sake. The victimhood is too much. Like... yes, there are absolutely dickheads on Twitter that are probably taking this way too far. But I would suspect most people have an attitude similar to mine, which is that I definitely do not HATE Taylor Swift, but I will laugh heartily at her getting outplayed at…
She’s famous because she’s a savvy businesswoman...
You’re right, but the point is that TSwift and her people denied that the conversation even took place. Tay has been caught in a lie and her “poor me” narrative is starting to bite her in her perky 25-year old ass.
Because he probably would have fucked your classmates?
Opinions are not protected from criticism and they never should be. I too have opinions that I give in comments. Some are not popular. I do not give a weak-ass defense of “It’s my opinion, you can’t shit on it”. I give logic, reasons and evidence in defense of my opinions.