
“a repressive nation whose residents can barely even google luxury goods”

I don’t normally like to comment on people’s looks but since he is all up in the business of my uterus, I am just gonna say that he has a real unappealing face...punchable and frightening and creepy all at once.

They used these cells without her consent and none of the profits went to her family. If they’d get a share of the cell sales they could afford healthcare.

Why is it okay for the non-Lacks Skloot to make money telling the story in one medium, but not for those actualizing said story (including Skloot, who made money from the film rights) in another? There is labor and non-Lacks profit happening in both instances.

Some things I wonder about in terms of weight loss:

I lost about 30 pounds over the years and I definitely still need a lot of help keeping it off (metformin helps very much). What did work for me was getting liposuction - I had a LOT of belly fat and apparently that particular fat is very good at wrecking shit and making you gain more weight. Indeed I lost fat from


It’s an old, old, old word, boo.

The msnbc joke got groans while calling Ben Carson a jigaboo got laughs

White liberals can't take a race joke. Everyone else is way more chilled about. Wilmore killed it btw that Stephen curry joke was pretty good with a zing

To be fair, most white people are comfortable with jokes about race as long as they’re the ones making it, not the ones receiving it. At least from my experience. Props to Wilmore though. His show deserves more recognition than it gets.

I know you guys are desperately trying to paint anyone who dares critize the all mighty Melissa McArthy the Queen of comedy as a woman hating Mra but this movie looks like shit.

Why would someone feel the need to desecrate a grave, just b/c more than 100 years ago, a guy wrote a letter to this woman, complaining about the smug expression on her face? Speaking of putting a smile on ones face - here’s hoping you get caught in the act, handcuffed and perp walked with your pants still around your

Yes, and ignore that feral cats have been responsible for the extinction of dozens of bird species.

Considering what the “domesticated” cat population does to wild bird populations in the US it’s kind of nice to see the birds win for once.

lol, am i the only one who finds this funny?

...said the cat.

Hey. If a cat ever got the chance, he'd eat you and everyone you care about.

Oh, she’s definitely named Debbie. People call her Deb, and she has a wheat-blonde shoulder-length haircut and two kids. Her eldest son is the QB on his high-school football team and she’s just so damn proud!

I am a tall, athletic female. I have broad shoulders. When I had short hair, I used to refer to it as my “hey, mister, you can’t go in that washroom” haircut. There is a certain type of woman who loves to say that line. It is the same type of woman who rushes out of her house when you park in front of it to remind you