Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:
Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:
I am growing exceedingly tired with this line of rhetoric. “They promised x and the game isn’t perfectly coded and every last thing they talked about wasn’t in pristine working condition when I logged in.”
When she married Tyson, the whole nation kinda yelled a communal “what the fuck?” because she seemed so out of his league.
And the nightmare begins anew.
OMFG, that quote is from Winston fucking Churchill, not Ronald dumbass Reagan. Holy shit, did Reagan also say, “I have nothing to offer but blood, tears, toil, and sweat”? Maybe everything Churchill said was really said by Reagan.
They all fancy themselves as John Wayne-esque... like the epitome of a “man’s man”. When in reality, they’re all more like the human equivalent of the cartoon Tasmanian Devil, wreaking havoc and destruction every where without making a lick of sense.
#FAKENEWS. that quote is Churchill, not Reagan. Not that I’d expect the VP of the USA to know anything about history, or to, you know, check his facts before spewing bullshit or anything.
The horse has had its tail docked (booooooo!), which is why it’s so short. The braid and scrunchie thing are mostly decoration.
What’s the confusion? The ‘weird thing’ on that giant ass is just a black coat.
Casefile podcast also has a great multi-episode series on Jonestown and it is very difficult to listen to.
Please drop your Instant Pot recipe recs here I need more!
I’m not really okay. I function because the one thing that never left me and keeps me going is a sense of humor (often gallows variety) that gets me through. But while >125 surgeries and hundreds of dermatological procedures have allowed me to look something like myself, internal injuries remain. I have only one…
I’m going to try to follow Katy Perry’s remarkable grace right now, though my thoughts about Trump’s evil and ignorant tweet are much darker.
Here’s the problem, the “, but he’s damn good at video games.” was entirely unnecessary. It reads as “yeah sure so there’s bad stuff but who cares because he’s good at this other stuff!” It’s especially problematic because him being good at video games isn’t a redeeming quality as that sentence structure would imply.…
Say what you will about Ninja’s stance on streaming with women and linguistic gaffes, but he’s damn good at video games.
Nope, but I’ve also played actual disasters. For example, i love DayZ but the beta right now is worse than the Alpha. FFXIV 1.0 was a disaster. Metal Gear Survive is a disaster.
Ignore the people telling you to chill. Spot on comment.
but he’s damn good at video games.