
It’s also no accident that state offices have shifted toward Republicans over the last decade. Democrats never raised an army of ideological zealots to run for everything from school boards to city councils. That’s how you cultivate experience. The evangelicals did this, and they succeeded in taking over state

Right. A point I made a couple weeks ago to much liberal consternation. Presidents nominate judges. Due to Republican obstruction and the ages of the Supreme Court Justices, we knew that the winner of the 2016 election would be responsible for appointing at least two Supreme Court nominees and numerous circuit court

When do we stop calling organizations like the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation ‘think tanks’ and call them what they really are: Centers to dismantle progressive, democratic advances made over the 20th in favor of predatory capitalism and reactionary (racist, sexist) social mores.

I got to be a zombie in one of the George Romero movies. It was pretty boring, but at least I got full makeup and not a mask. Romero was a really nice guy, very patient with all of us amateurs. He bought pizza and beer after the shoot, even hung around a bit to talk in spite of it being a 14 hour day.

On the other hand, they’ve also been a godsend for those of us who were adopted/are trying to find their birth families and half-siblings. So like anything, it’s about what you use it for I suppose.

Please note that Trump and his father claimed they were Swedish for decades - it’s even in The Art of the Deal. How dare he think of questioning anyone’s heritage.

If this only serves to kneecap Trump again, I’m happy she did it. 

I going to see this because it is about the Apollo program and I am obsessed. I will be so sad when it is bad, but it won’t stop me. I was born in 1936. I remember when the moon landing happened by father was talking about being born into a world where cars and radio were practically non-existent. To watch some

I only read the intro and bullet points of Barf Bag and I scroll so fast past the tweets — does anybody else do that? 

Hey cheese, maybe you missed it, but this is an article about a woman getting raped, and I was voicing how I, a woman, felt about the man who raped her and then tried to play innocent. I didn’t threaten him with violence. I’d think a “marine infantryman with a raging alcohol problem, an Irish temper, and a sharp

I can quibble about how long it took, but I am very glad she decided to do this and I think this could actually have an effect on the race, particularly with undecideds.

Guys seriously, can we just for ONCE, give props to Taylor when she does something right? You don’t have to crown her Queen of Jezebel, but legit, this was a good thing she did. Today I’m thinking of all her LBGT fans who must be feeling real fucking awesome about their fave sticking up for them politically in this

Taylor didn’t have say anything so, good for her for speaking up. 

I know people have a lot of problems with Taylor Swift, but I’m glad she’s finally realised that this is not the time for silence and political neutrality.

I swear.  Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it.  Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one. 

I really admire Senator Hirono. Keep up the good work!

Don’t forget that sweet rape attention, which we all crave

So, let’s get something straight. A private, female citizen came forward to tell the country about her experience with sexual assault because she felt it was her duty to do so in order to give the people in charge a clear picture of the man who they were about to put on the highest court in the land for a lifetime

Tell me more about how men’s lives are ruined by rape accusations, and women only do it for that sweet rape money.

I hope Laura Ingraham burns in a fire of her own making.