
The most fucked part is that she called her shot while testifying. She straight up said that she was going to be annihilated for this. And she is. She, the survivor, is the one who loses in this whole thing. The one whose life is completely fucked. I hate this planet.

This article is probably more comprehensive than the FBI report, sadly.

I just feel fucking terrible generally.

Susan Collins should’ve had to make that condescending, trashfire speech to Dr. Ford’s face.

It wasn’t for nothing to me.  It was inspiring.  I hate that she felt like she had to do this, and I hate that she received so much shit for it, and I hate that her life has been upended.  But it wasn’t for nothing to me, and to my fellow assault survivors.

Ford spoke out for nothing. That’s what she was worried about all along: That she would re-live her trauma and ruin her life for nothing.

If Maine doesn’t vote out this attention-seeking sack of shit, shaped like a woman, we should vote them out. 

I feel fucking terrible for Dr. Blasey Ford.

I’m curious if a Supreme Court judge can be put on trial for this after being appointed. I would certainly hope so.

Stephen King has already vowed his full support, both monetary and campaigning, to any candidate that runs against her if she votes to confirm Kavenaugh. He’s got a buck or two to spend and is enormously popular in Maine.

I’ll never forget it. 2007 in health class we were watching a documentary about sexual assault and some asshole bully started making fun of how gross it was and how the girl was ‘too ugly to rape’ and my cool stoner dude neighbor stood up and told him to shut the fuck up in the middle of class. Just wanted to share

Howard provided a safe place for what polite society would call weird or deviant. He welcomed people of all sexual orientations, genetic or developmental defects, hookers, strippers, etc. He celebrated them because they were considered outcasts outside of his studio. True, he treated them as curiosities because he was

totally. nothing screams not a belligerent drunk like super belligerent normal-mode

Not to insinuate too deeply, but he strikes me as someone who’s a smarmy dick to his wife. Is it just me?

He’s SUPER good at being told “no,” too.  This much is clear.

Compelling evidence that he’s definitely not a belligerent drunk amirite?

Yes, I do recall my grandfather’s stories about flying an FE2B in WW1, and how their propeller was blown off mid flight and they thought they’d all have to respawn closer to base and start the bombing run over, but a giant loot box fell from the sky, and luckily the gunner had $2.39 on hand to open it up to reveal a

“I just want a fair process where I can be heard,”

What’s the reason people are upset? A representative offered two solutions for zero problems.

Can we add a hearty FU to every liberal/progressive/moderate voter that did not even bother to vote in 2014 and again in 2016? We lost any hope of getting Merrick Garland through because of the 2014 losses. We lost in 2016 and Trump was elected, and a totally controlled by Republicans government is what we have now.

This week the Supreme Court decided that it’s unconstitutional to force fake doctors to tell women the truth, but totally constitutional to force real doctors to lie to them. That’s the court we have right now. And it’s about to become so much worse.