
She did go to Wisconsin. And she had 133 staffers there throughout the campaign.

Blake Shelton is not the Sexiest Man Alive that 2017 needs: he’s the Sexiest Man Alive that 2017 deserves. 

Joe & Megyn should check their facts. Hillary Clinton did go to those states. And she had a clear message. She states her campaign’s data showed that they were covered in Wisconsin, but if she found out they weren’t she would have been there more.

It’s not like the Democrats are without sin.

Fact I learned today: Jessie James Decker is actually a woman and a singer and not some reality show dude like I previously assumed.

I am increasingly convinced that at this rate your Wardrobe Wall is going to achieve sentience and go Skynet on all of us.

Megyn Kelly Wardrobe Wall - 9/25/17-11/10/17

So yeah guys, if you’re like, “I don’t know what I personally can do to help!”, the thing to do is to call out men, ESPECIALLY YOUR FRIENDS AND COWORKERS AND ACQUAINTANCES when they are creeps and abusers. Especially your friends and coworkers and acquaintances. Especially your friends and coworkers and acquaintances.

Hey, thanks for being super mean!

I’m not saying that he got caught fucking his neighbor’s wife but I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that he got caught fucking his neighbor’s wife.

My father died 15 years ago, and I still think about him almost every day. I still miss talking to him, he was such a powerful force in my life. Sorry for your loss.

I have a few difficult ‘lasts’ coming up this week as well. Hope you get some time where you don’t have to be the strong one - even if just for a few minutes.

This is serious, I appreciate you coming to the Jezzies for support, but this is far beyond what a comment section can assist with (other than being there for you). From what you have described she appears to be cycling quickly between manic and depressed (If not hallucinating). This needs immediate attention.

I’m the Debbie Downer today. Tomorrow will be the anniversary of the last day I spoke to my dad. Election Day will be the anniversary of the day I voted at the crack of dawn and hauled ass into Trump Country to watch my dad lose a fight he should have won. Given 2017 so far, I can’t say as I blame him, but dammit I

Soooooo.......a few weeks ago, I shared with fellow Jez gals I was going in for my first mammogram. I was late commenting, so understandably it didn’t get a ton of responses. The ones I did get made me feel tons better and I REALLY love and appreciate the support. I was so freaked out (hypochondriac since age 8) that

It’s been a LONG time but for me, I switched taking my prenatal vitamin from the morning to afternoon. It made a big difference for me.

men can be feminists, but don’t trust a single fucking one who makes a living off feminism.

A point I made in my comment. Bernie also signed a 2015 agreement, but as he did not want to do joint fundraising with the DNC and/or share his voter lists, he kind of did his own thing.

And the fact that he did zip, zero, nada for down ballot Dems. But her emails?