
Watching both “Interstellar” and “Gravity” made me queazy to my stomach. I have no fucking desire to get out their in space and see the earth. I am all cool on terra firma. Thanks.

Getting lost at sea is literally one of my worst nightmares. That and getting stranded in space.

Corker & Flake sounds like a British detective series that takes place somewhere in the country side near the Scottish border and involves two aging balding white men with pot bellies and sad Basset Hound eyes.

Best Denver-area food challenge performance by a journalist since Maureen Dowd.

Those were the days :(

No need to apologize. My son spent a lot of time in the Horn, doing god knows what because he’s still not allowed to talk about it, and I spent a lot of time worrying about him coming home in a flag draped casket and I am enraged on Ms. Johnson’s behalf.

You sit there and talks about respect for the nation, the flag, the troops.

“I know that human being and fish can coexist peacefully.”

I do not miss him as a legislator or as the point person for driving the direction of this country. Perhaps if he had more fortitude or backbone he would not have been easily swayed by friends and cabinet members into decisions that collectively nearly toppled this country. And his initial apathy during Katrina is an

“Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

Ahhhh. Those were the days. Halcyon, truly, when you think about it now...

I also miss the normalcy.

Folk/folc has meant common people since literally the invention of English. It’s an old word that goes back to Old English. Every Germanic language has a variation on it. It’s hardly some new thing that popped up in English for reasons no one can fathom.

The bar is so low that it seemed like a revelation when Nicolle Wallace told Seth Meyers that GWB never expected his staff to lie for him, and he was able to read the room when things like weren’t looking good for him, like when his poll numbers were tanking or when the Vice President has just shot someone.

I feel the same as you. I think the guy’s an asshole. I don’t think he’s an irredeemable piece of shit. I bet he’s haunted by the shit he’s done and the souls of those affected by his policies swirl around his head and gnaw at his conscience. I believe him when he said Kanye’s Comment cut him deeply and hurt him. I

No way. I love when Obama says “Folks”.

I’ve always been a fan of “put food on our families.”

Yeah, I say it all the time and it doesn’t seem particularly “folksy” (haha) to me, or related to education or class or anything like that. Pretty much everyone I know uses it. It’s never stood out to me when a politician said it.

“Politicians, please stop saying “folks” This is a super common colloquialism in parts of the U.S. Why should politicians avoid it? I say it. My family says it.