
Last night I saw a picture of a Keebler Elf and pointed out the US Attorney General, which led to a conversation with an elderly man who kept saying “this won’t last forever,” and showed me an app on his phone - a bright orange screen that counts down the days until the next presidential inauguration. He said he felt

I never thought his heart was filled with malice the way Trump’s is. W had to rely on Cheney for the evil and malice, but Trump is malice in a cheap suit.

When I listen to protest songs from back during his time as president, I have a laugh (and cry) at how we thought that was the lowest a president could ever sink. He was dumb, but Trump, Trump is an absolute moron.

GWB’s *friends* were the biggest problem with his administration. He let a bunch of assholes into the White House, which made him an asshole by virtue of association.

My hate for him will never fully go away, but I’d trade for him in a second at this point.

George W was a lot of things, many of them pretty bad. But he wasn’t an openly bigoted egotistical maniac, and for that I am thankful.

I will admit that there is a part of me that would like to see gwb see some post-presidency redemption. He’s got it earn it mind, but some sort of nixonian make-over. Don’t know why that is, maybe because by comparison, Bush’s disaster of a presidency looks like utopia.

The thing about the former presidents, from either party, is that I never doubted they loved this country.

Yeah. In some way I look at Dubya and sometimes almost feel sorry for the fact he’s going to be the one remembered for Iraq, the PATRIOT Act and so on when it’s more those around him who he trusted being the real villians of the piece.

And now George W Bush has given a stronger speech against white supremacy than Donald Trump. Good on him.

Dubya wasn’t afraid to make fun of himself.

What level of awful do you have to be as a human, let alone a president, to make George “This is the guy who tried to kill my dad!” Bush look in any way acceptable?

I miss every one of them, tbh. I never in my life until now worried about the country getting into a nuclear war. Or America losing all its allies and turning authoritarian. Or lots of other stuff. W wasn’t too smart but he never tried to destroy American government and divide its citizens over ramped up bullshit,

Same. I hope this trend of each Republican President being the worst we thought we would ever see does not continue. Please please please let us have hit rock bottom with Trump.

I was in the military for over 20 years and have a son in the Marines right now, if god forbid something happened to him and this messy, coward bitch of a president called me I’d tell him to get fucked and hang up.

This is such an excellent way to display Trump’s bullshit.

“Obama never would have released these.”