
I spent way too much time building my Red Rocket Minutemen Outpost.

The game is hardly mediocre

I ended up building a small metal pre-fab shack next to the gas pumps and putting three missile turrets on top with a generator inside the shack to power them. Made for a hell of an early-warning system- when I start hearing repeated “WOOOSH” noises outside, time to go see what caused all the hamburger all over the

That garage is my favorite base of operations in all of gaming. Later on in the game, when I would have all of the companions and most of them would be chilling there, I’d get a kick out of it every time a random raid consisting of Super Mutants or mutated animals showed up. It would always be a very “You came to

He must have dropped it in the toilet and now has it sitting in a ziplock of rice.

Tomorrow morning?! Bless your heart.

Shooting a giant gun into a serene natural setting while talking about the importance of protecting life may be the most Republican thing I’ve ever seen. Amazing.

I want to give her 10 Mother of the Year Awards. What a phenomenal advocate for her daughter. Brava, Gianna Constand!

Look I’m as amused by Donald teaching the fluke monster from the X-Files how to act like a person by forcing him/it to watch Wall Street and American Pyscho on a loop as anyone but do we have to keep pretending its a person?

Imagine being a high school/junior high school teacher and having this debate with your colleagues. Urgh. And them not getting the point, even when I explain why their way of viewing this is genuinely hurtful to both our female students, who are reduced to their bodies, and to our male students, who are seen as

Bah. I would rather marry a chef. Damn I would love a chef like they’ve never been loved before. I’d leave them weak in the knees (and everywhere else) all for the access to sweet, sweet gourmet cooking.

Definitely chiropractor—a good on-demand back cracking is not to be underestimated, plus they make good money.

In a business situation, I am fine. But as a single woman, there are a lot of men who feel quite entitled to my personal space. And if I (kindly) rebuff them when they ask me out, I think they are signaling their civility (in acquiescing) by then a.) asking my name and b.) holding their hand out to shake. This sounds

As a performer, you would think he could have handled it with more grace.

I bet he gets a LOT of people who want to touch him and think they know him because they watched his show — THAT WAS ON ALMOST 30 YEARS AGO OMG I AM SO OLD

I absolutely support a person’s right to say no. No unwanted attention, no unwanted touching. Ever.

Ambush hugs should be against the law. Personal space, people.

I need to figure out how I can use MY dog to meet Justin Trudeau. Or was it Justin Theroux that she said? Eff it, I’m happy with either.

You’re cherry picking one line. For the most part, EWG is bullshit.

The linked article regarding the NSA report is so so good. It unequivocally shuts down everyone who says there was no evidence of Russian tampering. And it completely refutes Putin’s claim that it could have been patriotic Russians but it wasn’t the government; in fact, the report shows that it was definitely the