
I was really counting on the flying cars to make the dystopian future worth it. But here we are, dystoping our peasant asses off with not a flying car to be seen. What a ripoff.

Why is this dickhole still talking about Hillary and the election?

Steve Adler? Wasn’t he the original drummer for Guns and Roses???

Yeah, on the one hand I want to give my daughter freedom and independence and on the other hand I remember all the shit I pulled when I was 16 and told my mom I was “at the movies” or “bowling”. I have a few years to figure this out.

When I know he’s on it, I refresh obsessively. I don’t relax until I hear it in the driveway.

My son is 18 and we have each other on a GPS location app. I check in periodically to make sure he’s okay. He has a motorcycle and I worry about his safety.

I like Ben Affleck.

No snark, but I’m really glad Ben and Jen are staying friends. It’s gotta be good for the kids to know that mom and dad still like each other.

I don’t think they were shown on CNN, or even Fox, by an employee of that network.

I don’t even know how to respond to that level of ignorance. Seriously....1930's Germany? 1930's Germany and the situation there is fundamentally different than the situation the US is in currently. Yes in both you see the rise to power of someone who is terrible for humanity. But that is quite literally where the

Are you talking about personal? Societal? Governmental? World? Environmental?

The four boxes supporting freedom in the US are the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box, and they should be used in that order; we haven’t gotten down to the box of last resort yet.

No one private citizen needs to though. It is now the sole focus of hundreds if not thousands of people. Its happening.

Its relative. A bit longer, but not that much longer. The fact that impeachment was even a topic of conversation a little more than 100 days into his presidency is pretty mind blowing.

Isn’t it weird how “pro-life” leaders work so hard to increase the abortion rate? It’s almost like their commitment to pro-life policies only extends to passing laws regulating what women can do with their bodies, and not to actually reducing the number of abortions (let alone supporting non-fetal life).

Seriously, we need to stop claiming defeat before we start. I don’t know about Jerry Springer, but as a general theme, it’s crossed into analysis paralysis.

This. I’m tired of this reflexive “The Democrats are doomed!” bullshit. Springer was an actual popular elected official, which is a sore sight better than a lot of the shitty candidates we’ve put up. More than that, the pickings are slim for Dems in Ohio, so why not try something else as a test?

$69-a-month Birchbox-style subscription filled with “exclusive and vintage Donald J. Trump merchandise.”

Report: the Democratic party remains very stupid

Same same. My son looks just like my dad too, and would have just adored having a grandpa.