i’m with her...
Speaking of kids destroying what should have been serious moments, this happened earlier today on BBC. (Anchor interviews professor about the newly impeached South Korean president.)
Basically, it felt like “Oh the wimmenz articles! This will be easy!” Then, they made a few sexist comments, talked about nothing, only reported one actual event (women do read the news, y’all), and were pretty condescending in general.
If their aim was to make me hold them in contempt and see them as clueless sexist…
Jezspin it was not. It’s like they didn’t even try (I liked the fashion piece tho, gotta be fair!).
Yeah, I love Bobby, he always brings it. Seconded.
Request: the next time we have an event where women writers aren’t at the site, would you please do all the articles? Because yesterday was really awful, with you and John as exceptions. Okay, John, too, since he reports straight news we would all be interested in.
I love this kid!
Yes I would. Then I would patter downstairs and Tim Kaine would make me tea and play me harmonica.
I’m all about dirty hot guys, he’s not too young for me, I agree with Rich that circumstances suggest big dick, he’s the son of America’s dad, AND he was arrested protesting. That’s worthy of multiple bangings from me.
Yes. I feel like I should qualify this by saying that I would probably be very drunk, but I know that’s not true.
Him? No. Young Tim Kaine? Ayuuuup.
Was going to say no because long hippie hair is not my thing. However after reflecting on previous “Would U” options (I’m still traumatized by contemplating Ted Cruz anywhere near my body) I realize I’m being way too picky. So yes, totally would.
Would you have sex with Tim Kaine’s son?
I love it.
Kids have excellent bullshit detectors.
Kids know, the way dogs know, when someone is not good. They can hear and see things, and they absorb the feeling that what’s happening is wrong or hurting their friends. I wonder if we underestimate how much they understand.
My daughter wore red today and declares, randomly, her undying hatred of Trump.
Our local women’s march marched up a mountain this morning. All these little kids were so like nice and polite. Even the toddler was into it. Bless these people for raising rad kids.
One of my favorite parts of the recent Women’s March, the protests against the Muslim ban, and other pro-LGBTQ, immigrants, etc activities is how many young kids were present, especially little girls. Greta will be voting in two elections.