You have chosen literally the dumbest hill to die on.
You have chosen literally the dumbest hill to die on.
First of all, you dumb sack of shit, I didn’t harp on anything about him being on the job. Since you are too fucking stupid to understand anything, let me break it down for you like I would a seven year old. EVEN USING HIS TYPE OF DIPSHIT LOGIC -AS I CLEARLY STATED, SHOULD YOU DECIDE TO READ FOR A CHANGE - WHICH IS WHE…
Just dismiss their comment please. The 3 dots to the right of the star on their comment, click that, then click ‘dismiss’ and they will go away. Dismiss anyone who calls you ‘hon’
I think you have misread her post. She is saying that even under the judges own logic its a stupid defense. She then adds a side point, that this particular horror is even more common between people “on dates.” She did not suggest that him having sex on the job was a crime. She was saying that if he was hired to drive…
Same judge who came down light on the boys in the Rehteah Parsons case.
This is fucking disgusting. Is this asshole for real? Even using his dipshit logic, this guy was hired to drive a drunk woman home. It was his job. It’s not like they were even on a date, which is when I would be similarly disgusted but less surprised to hear yet another person in a position of authority utter such a…
I’m seeing Reba
I sort of see the Rashida and would like to throw Reba McEntire into the mix.
A) Good on her.
*Trump is Hitler but worse.
I am no fan of Dubya, but I will say that it is possible he has gained some insight in the 9 years since he left office. I don’t want to give him too much credit or make it seem like I’m defending his actions as president, but I will say that hindsight is powerful, and it’s possible that he has some regrets about how…
Trump makes Dan Quayle look smart.
W was not a good president, but he showed up and did the job as best as he could. He’s not the brightest, but he’s not an overtly hateful person.
I get the impression that he knows that he fucked up a bunch.
Nixon: Evil but not stupid.
“I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy. We needed the media to hold people like me to account,” Bush said. “Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power.”
I think the difference is the respect for the institutions of government and of the American people. GWB had bad policy that tanked the economy and got us into unwinnable, destabilizing, unjustifiable wars. But he at least respected the office of the Presidency, the humanity of Muslims and immigrants, and while he…
It’s amazing. Dubya—as dumb as he is— actually can form coherent thoughts and complete sentences.