
Trump makes GWB look like a saint. That’s not a small feat.

When W. is the voice of reason, things are quite fucked up.

Well if it’s in an infographic, it must be true!

How does one determine the “actual center” versus “America’s center”? That’s a very pretty chart but it doesn’t match with any analysis of American politics over time that I’m aware of. Eisenhower to Obama’s left? Eisenhower around the same as Sanders?

Cool. We are electing the Chair of the Democratic Party. If he wants a say he needs to join the party and put in the work.

But they actually DO things. That’s the whole thing - wanting a candidate that actually DOES things and has been in politics long enough to be effective at it vs a guy who promises kittens and unicorns while never actually delivering any despite years in the Senate. It’s a free country and of course you can vote as

I really like this analysis and wish to subscribe to your newsletter!

He spent his career as an attorney suing companies for racial discrimination. I know, how terrible.

Yes, because the Bernie cult demands unquestioned fealty to THEIR platform. Diverge in any way and you are cast out of the Bernieverse.

You know, I actually realized a weird thing the other day. While the Bernie-crats have solidly claimed the “more progressive” mantle, everyone I know who supported/still supports that wing is actually way more conservative than me. So, I mean, you do what you gotta do but look around sometime and maybe give some of

If pushing away means isolating the greens, I’m not unopposed. They only take votes away from Democrats and field clueless morons.

LOL @ the idea that Perez is a centrist. He almost wasn’t confirmed as Obama’s Labor. Sec because he was considered to be too “radical” by Republicans.

This! It makes me so pissed how so many people have declared Bernie (and therefore whoever he taps) as the best of the party. Have any of them seen him do an interview on TV lately? What letter do you see next to his name? It’s not a D. It wasn’t okay for Bernie to use the party’s money and contacts to run for

They don’t. They used this election to be a proxy battle between Bernie and Hillary. It wasn’t. Frankly, I did not want a chairman who already had a full time job (US Representative). Had Ellison been willing to quit his job and dedicate full time to the DNC, then I would be fine.

Except Perez isn’t a centrist, idiot.

THANK you. Jesus Christ there are some dramatic people up in here. Everything I’ve read indicates they are extremely similar. Just because Bernie endorsed Ellison doesn’t make Perez Satan incarnate. I quite like Sanders, but he does inspire some rabid followers...

Are you this stupid and selfish naturally?

Who’s “we” there Bernie? You got a mouse in your pocket. Or did you forget you aren’t a Democrat again and that most of the party doesn’t jump at your command.

The two men are united, and both wasted no time saying so. One would think we could follow their lead!

I literally had to read your comment several times to try to figure out that you WEREN’T just saying “god forbid we respect the DNC chair.” Because I mean...if you’ll literally leave the party because the guy you liked (which, let’s be honest, a lot of people were fired up about Bc a dude who doesn’t even call himself