
Third rule in Latino families: leave your wife after she donates her organs to you.

“Artist’s rendering of White House transition of power. Image via Kensington Palace/The British Monarchy.”

Also for having a good enough sense of humor about himself to voice a kitten named after him in a movie named after the kitten! That was an absolutely delightful surprise.

She’s sending out letters to her constituency to get their feedback for her switching to Dem now since they’re the ones who voted her into office as a Rep. Apparently there’s a growing movements of moderate Reps to the Dem side right now in reaction to the general GOP cult mentality.

You laugh, but I made $5K a month working from home as a professional anarchist.

Just a reminder to watch out for those “professional anarchists” (wut???) among us at protests. So relieved we have Trump looking out!


Keanu is hot, was hot since Bill and Ted days, so I have no idea why they just discovered it. And I am not even going to hug it, 100/100 would do.

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking it. Last time I checked if you fight bigotry with bigotry, no matter who wins in the end you are still stuck with bigots. Some people need to understand that “republican” is just a word and you should care more about what that person stands for than which word is attached to

You guys can’t keep getting upset with every republican who realizes their party has become horrible. You need all the people you can get against the ignorance and corruption of today.

Politics in Hawaii isn’t quite the same animal as on the mainland. Hawaii has a very strong identity and values that are very different, and that temper some of the worst influences of the GOP. Like for instance you can’t really get any where if you don’t embody the spirit of aloha (in very brief, it’s being

There was a time when it was possible to be a Republican and be honorable. It was even possible to be a liberal Republican.

I’m in agreement with you in spirit, but the thing that needs to be recognized is that is not Republicans anymore, and that is what needs to take hold. Republicans are not conservative anymore. They are not fiscally responsible, or the party of morality. They can not claim to be foreign relations experts, or for

Defectors with a conscious distaste for Trumpism will help us take back more state governments. If we stick to rigid purity tests as the minority party we will never regain any footing nationally or locally.

This is literally dumb as shit. There are perfectly reasonable republicans out there that know right from wrong and we should be encouraging them to speak out and work with us. I’m sure you’re too young to remember but in the before times in the long, long ago, democrats and republicans used to disagree but still work

Oh I don’t disagree: I’m kinda just smugly farting in the general direction of so-called ‘free speech advocates’ who are always whining whenever they have to face the consequences of whatever awful shit they say.

Yeah we’re all angry dude. But tarring and feathering the defectors isn’t going to win us any new allies. Better to show support when someone crosses that line so we can encourage others to do the same rather than see them quietly go along with their crowd.

Don’t burn yourself on that take.

So much for her right to free speech.

“the face of Republicanism as it should be, but it won’t be any more.”