
This would not fly because of hipa.

Goddam. This lady has all the balls in Washington.

A friend of mine posted this sign from last weekend’s rally in Boston and I LOVE IT.

I love the sign-making supplies idea! Also, as a fellow Bostonian (well, Boston-area-n, anyway) I feel like we should figure out a way to organize a Jezebel Resistance group to coordinate transportation down the DC and other activities...

Seriously. I’m assuming that I’ll be setting aside at least one day each weekend for protests, and considering if I want to travel down to DC from Boston for marches several weekends in a row.

I always felt bad for the color guard. They were the girls who got cut from cheerleading at my school. And their coach didn’t know what the hell they were supposed to be: Flag girls? Baton twirlers? Drill team? Mid-century jazz troupe? Why not all four???! The way Family Guy portrayed them was accurate.

Wow these kids are great, no joke. Let’s leave politics out of this story for once, can we? Let these kids enjoy their last days in peace.

I loved the reaction from the kids on Stranger Things and of course our gal Barb was stunning. (Sorry this pic is massive)

THANK YOU. To the extent Hillary had problems (and we now know that she straight up would have lost to anyone else, probably the popular vote too), Bernie was NOT the answer. He would have absolutely been slaughtered by Trump. I mean “Socialist Jew” would have only been the beginning of the horrors the GOP would have

Why do people keep forgetting that the DNC didn’t choose Hilary, Democrat voters in the primary did. It didn’t matter who the fuck you think should have been nominated for the presidency.

As a Senator and SOS Clinton had very high approval ratings. It’s only when she dared to run for POTUS that she suddenly become so unpopular. So basically you’re just admitting to falling for GOP propaganda.

People did show up to vote though, so enough with the tired should’ve-fought-harder mentality. She had the third highest turnout (number of votes cast) of any primary candidate ever. The first two highest turnouts are held by Obama.

What’s it like to have so much privilege that you can just ignore the decades of gerrymandering and Black voter disenfranchisement that made this electoral “victory” possible? I know the actual facts of racist and classist voter suppression aren’t nearly as compelling as the endless wanking narrative of “The DNC

Sanders lost to her. That makes him unviable.

No one is advocating for Clinton again. She wasn’t a great candidate. The problem wasn’t that “the DNC cheated Bernie.” Bernie was a shitty candidate too.

So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for

I’m sure the guy who got slaughtered by Hillary would have totally beat Trump! You know, the socialist Jew. That would have played super well.

Trump is just as bad as Hillary guys! The DNC cheated Bernie so let’s protest vote! Let’s stay home! They both suck equally!