
Here’s a bright clue; maybe stop bringing her on your TV shows, media. The more you give her a mouthpiece, the more shit will spew out, just like with Kellyanne Conway. And whatever happened to Katrina Pierson? I guess there could only be one asshole woman as the public face of Trump at a time.

I would like Jezebel to start a tag called “Moments of Joy”. This would qualify. No politics, no judgement, just moments in time of people truly enjoying whatever experience they are part of. Sometimes you just gotta see someone having fun. letting go, and being present and joyful.

That’s just awful. So sorry you are in this situation.

I’d include the people who voted for Clinton but spent months smearing her beforehand and making a big deal about her being “the lesser of two evils” while acting like their vote for her was a huge moral sacrifice for the good of the country (h/t deadspin guys.) I think they did a lot to depress voter turn-out.

“Voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil.”

Apply for permanent residency where you are.

BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

Are you crazy? People will lose healthcare. Free speech is being curtailed. Science is being attacked. States are trying to pass laws that allow cops to shoot protesters, civilians to run them over, and law enforcement agencies to sue them. Hate crimes against non-white people, Jews, and Muslims have increased. They

I read it more as her trying to acknowledge her privilege and the limits of her own perspective, but I can also see how one can read it more as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Abbi destroying Whole Foods gives me life.

I wait with breath that is bated. I love them. The episode where Abbi gets her wisdom teeth out and the episode where Abbi rollerblades into a hole in the ground give me so much joy.

Maybe I’m just an old because at 37, I am old enough to remember that when a bunch of assholes in Florida decided that both parties were the same and Ralph Nadar was the better alternative, thousands of American soldiers died and 100k+ Iraqis died as a result. And to be clear: GWB was terrible, but I’d take another 8

Anyone who says out-loud that there is no difference between the parties and democrats are as bad as republicans demonstrate themselves to be unacceptably stupid.

I was feeling fired up/ready to go from the march, but THIS shit?


Heaven help any barrista or cop who comes between me and my coffee, no matter how pregnant I am. The pregnancy insomnia is real, and the studies about caffeine and miscarriages and caffeine and low birthweight are antiquated and inconclusive.

A gift card feels weird to me. Do you live nearby? I’d bring by some easy, premade food she doesn’t have to put too much effort into. Flowers are always nice and going to the funeral (if you can) is such a nice gesture. Take her out for lunch in a month or two- people tend to move on and forget to ask how you’re doing