
Thanks. Healthy pregnancies don’t miscarry, so I found comfort in that. It was my body’s way of rejecting a pregnancy that likely wasn’t viable anyway. Weirdly I got all the bleeding with the pregnancy that is going great. They couldn’t explain mine either! Best of luck to y’all, I know it can be scary and unreal in

Yes. I am 10 weeks pregnant, and based on movies and TV, I expected my first ultrasound to be this deeply emotional experience that would bring me to tears. Instead I was like “So everything is fine? Great. Please get this gooey stick out of my vagina.”

I just want to shout out to Planned Parenthood for making my abortion decision as painless as possible.

As a mom of a daughter now, I often think about the day I had an abortion and they no way made me feel uncomfortable about my decision. They identified it as cells, and not as a person. They comforted me, and

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.

In the Hillary universe, the nation makes a millimeter or two of progress every day - slow, relentless, difficult progress. It’s boring and hard work and it makes just about everyone’s life incrementally better each day. No one appreciates it.

If you look at it in the context of a lifetime of fighting and being vigilant for what you believe in, you seriously can’t get hung up on why it took a big thing to fire people up and join you. If you’re not up to the lifetime task of doing something thankless and right, how can you hold it against other people who

I agree. What’s next? Have the organizers of other movements got in touch with the organizers of the march, because they now have lists of people who are following their FB page who may not have been aware of what was going on elsewhere. Or, have the women’s march organizers gotten in touch with other groups

It’s the job of the white ladies who are already doing or planning to do what Kara has outlined to be patient/encouraging to the white ladies who aren’t there yet.

Yes, but people still need to tell white women why just saying “equal rights” and “everyone is welcome” isn’t enough, and white women need to know why it’s important to not get so defensive about it.

which makes me cringe a little at critiquing them for taking selfies with their signs or in the crowd

I’ve always had a general disdain for the powers that be, but it’s usually shown out through how I live my life, i.e. what I buy, who I support, etc. Not perfect by any means, but I try.

You’re absolutely right. Seriously, every word. But dems need to realize the end game here is getting our policies and people who support them into power. Period. I mean, I think that should’ve been the main takeaway of the election. We can’t do SHIT without that. NOTHING.

I think Kara, though she has many good points, is underestimating the importance of simply having a sense of solidarity. Many of the politically active people I know were so devastated after the election, including many of them who not only voted for Hillary, but campaigned, volunteered, and donated, that they could

AMEN. And thank you for all that you do :)

So did I, which makes me cringe a little at critiquing them for taking selfies with their signs or in the crowd. I think that we can all agree that we would prefer a white teen to post to social media from a women’s march than post about the Starbucks latte she just bought. Our focus should be making sure that they

Scared by crowds and strangers introvert here agreeing with you. It was so cathartic and unifying to me to hear the group scream well up and explode here in Chicago. I marched with a group that was warm, funny, welcoming and very diverse.

Exactly. I think this march opened a dialogue and got certain privileged white women, like my 80 year old grandmother, who are either afraid of protests or else let them slip by their radar, suddenly realizing how important it is. Is it crappy that they weren’t at BLM and other protests? Of course . But they came and

Seriously. I’ve been doing organizing for progressive causes in a deep red state for years. Complaining about people not showing up before is not how you get them to show up again.

Likewise: I was at the march in DC, and I loved the diversity of purpose: women’s rights, Black Lives Matter, pro-disability, Support Your Local Sex Worker, trans visibility and rights, pro-immigrant. I got the chance to talk with the people carrying those signs, and now I know more about what these movements (not all

Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and