
Sad, but true … just another way that over the last 30 years, government policy has put corporations above people … it's part of a larger pattern … http://www.sanders.senate.g…

Don't understand? The quote is from King Frederick, head royal ~ Grimm season 4 episode 15 @ 34 minutes in … did you not watch the Steven Pinker TED talks video? If not, you really should before replying again ~ it is directly on point … since the enlightenment, the amount of violence over the world has been

I'd prefer the control over my life, except for it to be the real thing. Protection and safety are secondary, as for the most part, civilization is a lot less bloody now than throughout all of human history, and I don't credit the difference to aristocracy … https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Perhaps the TSA as well, but in this context, it is also the motto of the aristocracy, the modern day billionaire class.

King Frederick "The world is confused. People like the illusion of being in control of their lives, but ultimately what they crave is protection and safety." … this needs to be made into a meme photo.

Corporations are amoral entities that will do anything for a profit, no matter how many they kill in the process.

I wonder if Settlers of Catan card game will ever come to an online edition …

See, what happens is ~ if you get rejected at the theater or store, you go back to your PC and pirate the damned thing.  Problem solved.