
That's a lot of titillation.

I guess the problem is you can't choose what porn to watch. So sure you might have to go through the typical schoolgirl modelling audition clips, but occasionally you might end up with the gay orgy night or something.

Welcome to the internet, where the comments come first and the articles don't matter.

I'm usually the first to roll my eyes at the WiiU, but you're right.. this seems a bit mean.

The credit card slot... that just made the joke.

Look, people should be able to do what they want. If someone wants to cosplay as a certain character, and their body (or skin color or gender or whatever!) isn't an exact match, who cares. They shouldn't be made to feel bad about that.

Otters are cute until they evolve and try to take over the world.

Iwata: 'Ok, screw it... The problem of our Wii U is a lack of games? We'll give our loyal fans games! Even if third party takes the long walk.... Guys, get all of our old Nintendo-favourites on the Wii U!'

So the Wii U is basically being turned into an emulator now.

NO NO NO NO NO FUCK FUCK FUCK! Disney buys game grumps and then Facebook does this? This week is just going to the pits!

Nope, Turns Out Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Is Not Better With A Mouse & Keyboard

So soon everybody can see for himself how disappointing Banjo Kazooie : Nuts and Bolts was.

They did make a special normal 3DS for Ocarina of Time. It's by far the most beautiful of all the special edition 3DSes.

The normal 3DS is terrible once you've touched an XL.

Actually, Fun comes second, silly Square-Enix.

Considering it's not the first time Disney's done something like this, I can buy this idea.

I guess it's could be considered flattering, but it's also kinda degrading, too.

Time for some snu-snu.

Oh shit, They finally implemented Specular Shading!