The bigger issue is that Americans by and large (heh, large indeed) barely even grasp the rules of soccer, let alone the strategy behind a well-played game. I know many more people who could competently coach a game of football game than soccer.
The bigger issue is that Americans by and large (heh, large indeed) barely even grasp the rules of soccer, let alone the strategy behind a well-played game. I know many more people who could competently coach a game of football game than soccer.
Business 101 really - what does a hotel gain by paying housekeepers more out of their own pockets? There are more available & competent people for menial tasks than there is a demand for them, which will drive the price down. Market forces are such that employees in that profession will work for a small hourly wage,…
I would imagine that there are many more 300-room hotels than 1000-room hotels, and this guy certainly seems on top of his game and the info would apply to a hotel of any size
I've never been in the hospitality industry, but unless you're managing a 30-room no-tell motel, $35K for an operations manager (i.e. directly responsible for the success of the business) seems ludicrously low, even with the perks.
Yeah, some of the more gullible people in my life (all of them on Facebook isn't that weird???) are routinely outraged by the Onion and their ilk. It was unexpectedly difficult to convince one of them that the "abortionplex" article was not real.
From the link: "We've found from testing that people tend not to report satirical content intended to be humorous, or content that is clearly labeled as satire. This type of content should not be affected by this update."
Can't see how this will be abused...
Why don't you have a look sweetheart?
Obviously there should be a big bold asterisk next to the original statement that assumes competent management is in place. As a worker bee, why should I be expected to put in 50+ hours* because you (manager) promised something that you knew couldn't be delivered otherwise? If we're doing so well and have so many…
Typical pronunciation in my neck of the woods for "drawers" referencing underwear.
100% agree. Any misdemeanor negligence-related crimes that might be applicable should automatically be elevated to a felony if it results in serious injury or death.
Pray to your wallet that it might open itself to contribute to efforts that promote responsible gun ownership or anti-gun legislation, whichever aligns more closely with your beliefs. Talking to yourself, i.e. praying, helps no one at all.
I piss on the "too much time" excuse. I've got a combo lock securing a small handgun case in my nightstand*. I can have the gun out, cocked, and pointed at the bedroom door in 7 seconds from a cold sleep (I've had my wife do a "gun drill" a couple times in the past to test this). About 1-2 of those seconds is "WTF is…
Obviously there are safety precautions that need to be taken by any gun owner keeping guns in his/her house, whether he believes children will ever be there or not, as many, many commenters are pointing out.
What about "DRAWS"
I really, really don't want to like Russell Brand. He is preachy and annoying in his delivery in all the worst ways. But goddammit he always is pretty much directly on point in the shit that he says. Grumble.
Comedy Central Roasts are really becoming a bad joke themselves, instead of a mark of honor that they used to be. Why Justin Bieber? Was Miley Cyrus not available? I just don't even understand the decision if there is a reason other than a cheap ratings grab or an attempt to lure in a younger audience to watch this…
There are comedy writers on hand to help him with his retorts. Unfortunately, I don't think they'll be able to help with his delivery. This is going to be an awkward shit fest.
However you might feel about the fashion leanings of the author, the last couple paragraphs are key. You need to get the broad strokes right before you focus on details and accountrements. Be clean and well groomed, wear clothes that accentuate the good parts of your body (i.e. "fit well") and complement each other in…
One of my old managers' mantra was something to the effect of "if you can't figure out how to do your job in about 40 hours every week, you probably don't belong here."