
I’m guessing it’s the garter and stockings that are the issue. That’s what stuck out to me at least as being really inappropriate for a high school cheer squad.; it’d be fine without that inclusion. It’s those bits that distinguish their costumes from those of the white dancers/gymnasts shown.

Donald J Trump furthered his argument for pettiest president of all time Saturday morning when he presumably woke up, ate some leftover KFC for breakfast, watched cartoons for a few minutes and, as he sat under the complex machinery that applies his wig and spray tan, decided that he didn’t want Stephen Curry at the

This video is some bullshit.

Well now that’s interesting. But, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I would just consider that classic prejudice, not outright racist hatred but clear prejudice. I was referring more to microaggressions.

“Undercover violence”?

Can you give an example?

I’ve definitely faced my fair share of in your face obvious racism, and yes this was mostly in The South, but the insidious liberal variety north of the Mason Dixon just pisses me off more. It’s like I just expect that old school stuff, but the hypocrisy of the undercover violence of liberals really gets in my head.

No, not to my knowledge.

Yeah, I’m thinking this is a personal experience thing. While I’ve never lived in Boston, I used to spend a lot of time there visiting friends, etc. Sure I thought it was a racist town, but it was still way better then the town in Maine where I was living at the time.

It’s not just microaggressions though, but even if it was, that shit can mentally and emotionally eat you alive.

When I lived in Seattle, an acquaintance, a black man, was kidnapped and held for days while white men shot a gun past his head while screaming “nigger”. Luckily, he was released mostly unharmed, but there was a notable lack of outrage in relation to the incident. That’s just one thing that comes to mind. That’s the

I’m guessing you ain’t lived in the Pacific Northwest. I’d venture to say Seattle is more racist than Boston.

...head tilt...dude...

Say what? to all of your comment. Particularly noteworthy is your belief that an entire region of people “use shitty fake accents”...okay..I guess...?...confusion...

What’s an “extreme liberal”?

...which means keeping the focus on the needs of white women, to the exclusion of all others...

“That’s a person who is using you.” exactly

Yes, this. It’s always Next Time, just after we take care of the “really important issues”that largely impact those with more relative power.

I’ll admit to being offended at being considered a Northern, even though I happily live in the North now. Yuck. I’m Southern whether or not y’all wanna claim me. :) And I ain’t white, so it’s not about any of that Lost Cause bullshit either. I’m definitely culturally Southern.