
Somehow Musk continues to impress me with how stupid he is. Kind of like the orange menace, he’ll do something that I think is just the dumbest thing he could possibly do but then he’ll go do something even dumber. I bailed on Twitter the day he took over.

to somehow incentivize reporters to write news directly onto Twitter itself.

Yeah, you're probably right. But between the maga doofuses, and complete assholes, it would be nice to just snip. 

He, just like his Mandaddy, Donny “Two Scoops” Trump are very predictable.

I’m sure that’s a big part of it, but considering how many users mass blocked thousands of blue checks when they started appearing at the top of posts, I’m sure blocking has had a diminishing effect on engagement for those users. And that in turn affects the subscriber bonuses he’s paying to a bunch of white wing

A Kinja block feature would probably kill comments even deader than they already are, but it sure would be nice to not see the dipshit transphobes and racists.

I bet he just saw the data that showed just how many people have him blocked and it hurt his little man baby feelings. He really is a pathetic human being. 

Honestly, I wish Giz and Kotaku had an option to block. 

Honestly, we need to consider self driving cars a failed experiment and just ban them already.

Start fining and impounding them.

Agreed, fuck that little shit.

“A page’s load speed affects an article or site’s search engine rankings, with quickly loading sites appearing higher on Google which prioritizes sites that load in no more than 2.5 seconds.”

Showing exactly how miniscule Musk’s knowledge of how the internet works is, and that he doesn’t employ anyone that cares enough

There’s a lot going on here and while I can’t speak to the GA court’s screw-up (my guess is that these are the charges Fani Willis wants to indict on, but the grand jury will still have to vote on them. I think the former Lt Gov is scheduled to testify tomorrow so I don’t think the grand jury has seen these yet),

Definitely looks like somebody jumped the gun and published the proposed charges before the Grand Jury agreed to them. Somebody’s getting fired.

Also: Trump can’t pardon himself for these charges if he wins the presidency (god forbid), and there are some variations to Georgia law that are really interesting. Such as:

If Twin Mill doesn’t crash immediately due to lack of visibility, I will no longer be able to suspend my disbelief.

Most of Hot Wheels most famous cars are the custom ones they’ve made over the years.

So, if it’s a movie with Porsches and whatnot running around, it’s really going to miss the point.

THR reports Mattel is now “meeting with directors” to discuss the company’s planned Hot Wheels movie at Warner Bros.

Basically this. I don’t know if it’s ultimately a good idea to adapt The Dark Tower, but if anyone is going to do it and get it right, it’s Flannagan.

I trust Flannagan but man does he have a high bar to reach.