Is it a business model you charge for and try to profit from? If yes, then yes.
Is it a business model you charge for and try to profit from? If yes, then yes.
chatGPT is not real-time. it doesnt search google at the time you ask it a question. it can only respond with what it was trained on. to test, ask it about something that only recently happened, it wont really have an answer or appropriate context.
Only comment, it should be sleeveless.
Apples and oranges. Google provides a link to the results it’s asked for. It’s not trying to claim it’s summarizing, synthesizing or producing original work.
I have to assume he was scared shitless of being sued. You never really heard him talking up Campbell until 1980 or so. The timing is interesting because the year before A.E. van Vogt had sued Fox over similarities between Alien and his 1939 story “Black Destroyer.” The studio settled for $50,000, which is about…
I’m sure you can come up with some differences, but the biggest is that Google already went through and settled a gigantic lawsuit with the book publishers. The Atlantic cover story from several years ago about this is worth reading (“Torching the Modern Day Library of Alexandria”.)
I don’t know, Lucas was always upfront that hokey Republic Serials were a major inspiration. Agreed with the rest.
No that actually links you to the source (or should). Not really the same at all.
I remember Singer going on Charlie Rose (yeah, real pair of upstanding citizens there) and insisting that X-Men was not a comic book or superhero movie, but a science fiction story. That was how much Hollywood hated the source material back then.*
I'm still upset about the deleted stinger from the Wolverine teasing the costume.
I am sure she would like to go after the owners of the “Shadow Library”, the source doesn’t matter. Copyrighted material is copyrighted. If you are using it you have an obligation to know who owns it.
plaintiffs asked ChatGPT to recite excerpts from Silverman’s book The Bedwetter, to which it relayed passages from the memoir verbatim.
I was already sold on this movie but the costume is just... *chefs kiss*
Now give me the mask.
The thing is, that’s not how “AI” works. It’s just machine learning, so it can only create based on the input it’s given. AI’s aren’t thinking critically and reinterpreting what they’ve consumed, they’re essentially just parroting back the information they’ve consumed. It’s essentially plagiarism. When you write a…
This is correct, not sure where the confusion is setting in. The article even mentions the bot spitting out sections “verbatim,” which is the legal issue here.
While both OpenAI and Meta make mention that they do not train on copyrighted material... In an exhibit from the author’s lawsuit, the plaintiffs asked ChatGPT to recite excerpts from Silverman’s book The Bedwetter, to which it relayed passages from the memoir verbatim.
The secret of Marvel’s early success was that Stan Lee was constantly ribbing the readers from the sidelines, going, “Can you believe this crazy shit, True Believers?” There was always a near-perfect balance of melodrama and ridiculousness. And then the fans went pro and everything got super-serious and mature. And…
Elsewhere, Bloody-Disgusting has a poster for Bad CGI Gator, the latest tongue-in-cheek monster movie from Full Moon Features.
I do enjoy how the Deadpool movies are little love letters to how gloriously stupid these franchises are and the exact amount of seriousness with which they should be taken