My views on her aren’t as negative as yours I think but it speaks volumes that her most convincing acting role (imho), was in Her, playing a disembodied robot voice.
My views on her aren’t as negative as yours I think but it speaks volumes that her most convincing acting role (imho), was in Her, playing a disembodied robot voice.
As others have said, plan B is OTC and the FDA advisory board has recommended OTC for birth control as well.
Plan B is always an OTC drug. Hormonal birth control will never be though because of its properties and potential side effects and contraindications.
Plan B is available OTC right now:
What does your ignorance have to do with the facts of this case? This has happened to people all over the US.
I think Maria Hill more likely just has some issues with Fury’s frustrating leadership style. Also she keeps getting the unglorious assignments & no credit, even before she got snapped. Why did Coulson get tapped as the new head of SHIELD and not her? She was Fury’s #2
Too bad about Beetz, she stole the show in Deadpool 2. Was in charge of every scene she was in.
Agreed on all counts. His Spider-Man is still the one I picture in my head, as is his Peter Parker...and most of all, his gorgeous Gwen Stacey.
This wasn’t about letting 3rd party devs “do whatever they want.” Christian Selig, the dev who created Apollo, admitted that paying for API was something that he knew would eventually have to happen. It was Reddit’s outrageous pricing and accelerated implementation of the charges that wouldn’t allow him to adjust…
Except that isn’t the issue at all. The issue is not if they should charge or even any limits they are putting on using the API. The issue is how much money they want and how much time the app devs have to implement changes.
Rest in peace, legend.
If they want to charge for their API, that’s fine. If app developers can’t afford it, that’s just business, I guess. Pricing your product so high that nobody is going to buy it doesn’t sound like a way to generate revenue to me, but then I didn’t go to business school.
Well, they will continue to let 3rd parties access the API and do exactly what they had been doing - just for a much higher price. They are shooting themselves in the foot, just as Twitter has done, not realizing or caring how many of their users prefer using a third-party app.
Godspeed, Jazzy John.
About 9 years ago, Stephen Hawking expressed the fear that Humans will become extinct when we reach Singularity, the point where AI can design itself, but the combination of AI tools and Human tendencies for evil might break down civilization well before we reach Singularity, if we will ever reach it.
John Romita's style is how I have always thought Marvel comics were supposed to look, even though none of them looked that way by the time I was reading comics. Every Spider-Man comic I ever bought as a kid, I thought Spidey looked all wrong, cos he didn't look the way Romita drew him. Absolute legend.
Saw him on a panel one. Someone asked him what he felt his greatest achievement was, and he basically said it was watching his son break into comic books, and how proud it made him.
Just give us more Garrus body pillows bioware. KNow where your bread is buttered.