If you want amazeballs goth lips, I highly recommend the Madly Matte and L.A. Girl lines at goodgoth.com. I wear the grey colour all the time.
I was in the Baptist church from age 12 to 20. In those pre-internet days, at least, I NEVER heard this. It was only later in life, with access to history books and the web, that I found this out.
THANK YOU. I was just coming down here to type that.
Thank goodness I was never a fan of her or No Doubt. I can watch her descent into pastel beige hell and laugh.
I have fibromyalgia and two kinds of arthritis. I hear you, Lady.
Nope, I guarantee you he’s having somebody hand him latex gloves that are actually too small for him—if they even make those.
GOSH THANK YOU for the fucking parade and a Broadway production when I’m looking for clothes. How about just “sized”?
*pssssst* It’s Cthulhu—two “h’s”.
The fact that there even EXISTS a fucking debate about this, rather than a majority roundly condemning it, is almost more upsetting than what people are “debating”.
Nice one!
I am fucking fed up today with asscravats on the internet. This was my response.
This is our second round of smoke this year here in Vancouver; we’ve recorded our longest air advisories ever. Part of the problem is that we’re getting smacked from both sides—the smoke from the fires in the BC Interior are combining with the ones from Oregon and Washington.
Nope. She can continue to rot in jail.
A Jerk Jerk? It’s not really a circle, since it’s all aimed at Cheeto Voldemort.
I love my adopted country so much.