Certainly not any of his girlfriends.
Certainly not any of his girlfriends.
How is it moot? The argument is simply defining the action. Just call it what it is: a bug.
Intention doesn’t matter. The hurdle is there and I am capable of jumping over it. If I jumped over it, I didn’t cheat my way around the hurdle. I just managed to have a good jumping technique. It doesn’t matter that you would prefer me not to, what matters is that I’m physically able. Meanwhile, if there’s a hurdle…
As a former QA tester, I would have filed a bug report for this. Accessing any part of the game you aren’t intended to at a given moment is a bug. It doesn’t matter if you’re using game mechanics to get to the location. The simple fact that you aren’t supposed to get there makes it a bug.
Yeah. Refused to run at all on my $1500 pc. Crashed when finding a match. Maybe when it stops being early access it’ll be optimized and working, but I am thinking the hype will be long gone before then.
Pfft. This is one of tens to hundreds of thousands of such cases. Go have a stroll through Africa.
Only in crime statistics, in order to make it seem like white people are committing more of them.
Only one skin tone? Racist.
I dunno. If I were a public figure whom millions of people hate, I probably wouldn’t advertise my exact location on a day where loud bangs would just be shrugged off by the public.
The only thing that needs to be said.
The only thing that needs to be said.
I’m sorry Heather, but you’re going to be fired for featuring Tyrone the Kekistani on this ultra liberal blog.
Just wondering if it will be viable to load additional roms on it somehow.
You must have been starving to have chomped down so hard on such low quality bait.
I’d actually prefer the opposite. The president be the voice of the people, and the news present unbiased facts.
Hypocrisy applies regardless when you’re the blog crying about someone else’s typos.
They should leave a deranged knife-wielding woman alone with three children?
It’s funny that gawker slams every typo trump makes on twitter but seems to also be contractually bound to disable spell check and forego any proof-reading before pressing the publish button.
Verdana should really be the only font installed on computers.
But it’s censored by law despite the japanese being totally fine with barely clothed people and anime all over billboards in major cities. I can’t fap to this.