
Why do you consider it a virtue to actively seek to ruin the lives of people you don’t know? If said racist has friends, I’m sure they already know she’s racist with the exhibited screenshot of her apparent normal behavior. She’s already been fired for said behavior. She’s been punished by the system already. Why do

Can’t really sue the person since they don’t own the company. The company can be sued, but they fired the racist and gave the insulted party free shit and I think that’s plenty. The result of encountering a racist really shouldn’t be equivalent to winning the lottery.

This here is bullshit and you’re a horrible person and all of the people that gave you a star. Doxxing and global gossip vendettas against people you don’t even know is disgusting.


It probably makes more sense in korean.

Personally I find it mind-boggling that individual state judges can take the boot to federal executive orders without any kind of majority rule. Sure, you like it today, but the more that gets used, the more it will be abused by both sides.

All I’m getting out of this is you lunatics are mad because some chick gave a cop a pepsi.

You wouldn’t get to play it with “ridiculous settings” ever. Aside from emulators being generally taxing on a PC the absolute best you could ever ask for is a smooth frame rate. Console games don’t come with graphics settings sliders. You get the one setting they’re shipped with and you can’t alter that without

Setting aside the laughable credibility of huffpost, there’s nothing in the article that suggests anything about hacking. Trolling on reddit and buying adspace for your tabloid news company on political sites is not hacking.

People vote based on who they like. 90% of the country doesn’t give a shit about politics. Should they? Maybe, but it’s irrelevant to the reality that they don’t care regardless. It was the DNC’s job to put a likable person on the screen for people to vote for. Hillary Clinton is anything but that. You can cry and

Why shouldn’t the people support they candidate they want? The DNC is a joke. And a bunch of you fell for another corporate shill claiming she could solve everything when she never did anything in her entire legislative career without corporate checks.

Clinton also had no chance of ever being in charge. You fools should have realized that when she lost to a black male with less experience than sanders.

Trolling on reddit is hacking now?

Why should anyone vote for a candidate they dislike? You hate trump so you’d never vote for him. All those people hate clinton AND trump so why should they vote according to your unbending whim?

There is certainly a difference. They’re two different kinds of evil, and both are still just as bad. Hillary’s corruption runs deep and you democrats have no one to blame but yourselves for pitting the only person who could possibly lose to Trump vs Trump. Do better, and be better people for 2020 because you’re

This is a pretty good troll. 6/10.

This is the absolute truth of gawker.

So now that gawker has a politics section again, can we Make Gizmodo Great Again by sending eve peyser and her ilk to this section?

I can’t understand the whitewashing crap. We’re sitting here replacing traditionally white characters with other skin tones all the time in our own media in the name of diversity, and yet we (Americans. Asians don’t actually give a shit.) are mad when a white person is given a role in a movie that would otherwise be

Tomorrow there will be an article along the lines of “Top 5 Club Penguin Private Servers” and if this were Nintendo each of them will be gone next week.