Ugh. No. Stop it. Leave our anime waifus alone. It’s entertainment. Anime boobies are entertaining. What’s next? Feminist strip clubs?
Ugh. No. Stop it. Leave our anime waifus alone. It’s entertainment. Anime boobies are entertaining. What’s next? Feminist strip clubs?
I can’t understand how kids fall for this. It’s one thing if it’s a focus on competitive game design and you learn how to make one. But being a professional at e-sports requires just talent and practice. You can benefit from maybe a class or two about obscure game mechanics in X game, but a whole degree? It won’t give…
I’m going to guess you and Cecilia don’t get along.
A vast majority of american anime fans simply aren’t watching this. A vast majority of japanese anime fans simply aren’t watching this either. As a manga adapted anime, it’s getting a single season which will end in a cliffhanger as most such anime do because it’s an advertisement for the manga that appeals to a niche…
Calling the fix: @CalWong changed to @EACalWong
This isn’t exactly a strange practice. Rare though it is for a game to swap ratings after release, Sony is super careful about legal issues and the ESRB isn’t going to put out multiple ratings based on what game mode you happen to play.
Sony of Japan is extremely protective over how their system is used. The specific mention of only in-game textures allowed means two things.
Yeah. You actually fight him every game but you don’t notice him because he’s cursed to forever be NPC power level.
Don’t really think comparing a terrorist group that destroys local business to fundraising for cancer research is the way to go.
The car can’t see social status or gender or weight.
Why the fuck is she wearing sunglasses at night?
Uh, minor correction. For Research Purposes should be For Academic Purposes.
And now peter thiel has ammo to take down univision.
Granted, Fifa sells a LOT of copies and ultimate team packs. But fifa 16 had 650 teams. It’s prohibitively expensive to offer a ton of money to everyone.
It’s the price paid when you fail to do any sort of compliance to standards testing before allowing people to publish on your platform. Sell shit games, do nothing to fix shit games, consumers turn shitty because they hate your shit games.
Early Key studio art had that wide area between eyes thing. It’s really, really bad in Air.
Eh, not necessarily. Obviously you want test scripts that cover every scenario. However sometimes every scenario isn’t communicated down to QA’s lead testers to create the scripts. Just like gameplay bugs, localization bugs can be missed occasionally. I’m sure their QA team is adequate, just that they made one mistake.
Take this garbage off Gizmodo.
Again, an online search does not qualify as “in the OS.”
I don’t think an online search qualifies as “hiding in iOS 10.”