
Obligatory response right back to them:

Now playing

Debbie Reynolds did an exercise tape back in the days called Do It Debbie’s Way. It’s as fabulous as you’d expect, and then some

doesn’t this look a teensy bit more appealing than the Gilmore Girls reboot?

Know what else teaches girls they are to be used and normalizes violence and abuse against women? Nominating and electing a president that believes his clout and wealth entitle him to grabbing women by the pussy. But, of course, this guy and his fellow Republicans will say nothing about that, right?

It’s not really a standard that applies to Real Life. 2 named female characters, talking with each other, about something other than men. You and your friends have names and you presumably have conversations about all manner of topics (not involving the “plot arcs” of the men in your lives). So you are literally

I don’t think that people use the Bechdel test as the standard to see whether or not something is sexist, it is more of a wake up call that“Holy shit this movie (lots of movies) can’t even have 2 female characters talk about something other than a man? How does that happen?” Is this necessarily bad/sexist in every

The industrial meat distributor rang some alarm bells, but I chalked it up to hipsters until the editor was confused.

I got half way down the list and was just feeling thankful I haven’t had to go to any weddings lately because these trends sounded awful.

It was the kerosene-based cocktails that finally clued me in. I’ve watched so many episodes of “Four Weddings,” the ones before that sounded like something I’d actually seen someone do.

I was still in the “do people really do this?” mindset until the menses.

Same. My partner wants a big to do wedding and I’m decidedly more a file the paperwork and go have dinner together sort so this was anxiety inducing in the extreme. How do two guys even get menstrual blood for their wedding? Is that available on E-bay?

You’re not alone, it took me till the menstrual blood bit.

I’d totally believe that somebody would try to hand out old school authentic kerosene based cocktails though.

There are enough weddings trends out there that they would make an actual comical piece. Personally, a little disappointed it’s a satirical post.

I got as far as Donald Rumsfeld. In part because the menstrual blood and Celtic ones are ones I’ve actually heard discussed.

Things my three cats have pulled this year:

This should be the theme for any and all weddings: GET MARRIED.

Yup, I got that far too, but the first one was super confusing and probably should have been a red flag.

I read through all of them and I’m still not 100-percent convinced that this article is satire.

Same here.

Native Tongue is great. It’s worth reading even in a Trump’d world.