
They don’t even read the names! They flash the names on the jumbotron throughout the ceremony which is literally just speakers for 2 hours.

Don’t worry, Snooki wasn’t a commencement speaker. She spoke at an event promoting her book or something on a weekday.

It does, but typically people who smoke weed only take a few puffs whereas cigarette smokers take much more than that, so it’s not doing as much damage.

I would never say “wooder”! #notalljerseyans

Came here to make this comment. There will definitely be shade.

This was my mom’s only complaint about the movie.

I take Claritin every day and have for 3 years. I will probably take it for the next 50 (god willing and all that) because I have year round allergies. Other than listing it on new patient paperwork, that’s the extent of communication about my daily Claritin with any doctor. I tried to switch to Zyrtec and it made me

OGX, specifically the argan oil one.

In his defense, it’s really good shampoo/conditioner! Only thing that makes the split ends of my 1000x dyed hair not feel like straw.

Well typically it’s always eggs over vagina, right? Unless you’re in one of those fancy yoga poses.

That’s because his ties are the best ties, they don’t need any tacks.

“and he’s afraid “someone might push him” down them.”

Her dress reminds me of Cinderella’s original dress she and the birds and mice made before her stepsisters ruined it, which makes me love it more for some reason.

94% of black women voters voted for Clinton. They showed up. They did the work that 53% of white women voters didn’t do. Now white women, as Sam Bee has said, have “a lot of karma to work on”. We can start by showing up for causes that affect the lives of women who do not look like us.

I saw a facebook friend post a video of him refusing to answer the CNN reporter’s question. The caption was something like “Trump calls out fake news reporter like a BADASS”.

I’ll try to get through it! And no, I have no read The New Gulliver.

Not to derail, but I think Rogue One does pass it. I’ll have to rewatch or maybe someone with a fresher memory can confirm/correct me on this, but I could have sworn there was dialogue between Mon Mothma and Jyn. Also, in the beginning of the movie, between Jyn and her mother (who is named at some point). Of course,

E-bay, Amazon, Craigslist, Etsy.... or you could start a GoFundMe but with menstrual blood as the only form of accepted currency!

I had no idea what a wedding-Taco Bell could be but it seemed like a tasty idea so I was like *shrug* makes sense!

For some reason that one seemed believable to me. In my head it meant something like those cocktails you set on fire and then drink. Just with kerosene to make it really fire hazardy. Perfectly reasonable!