There aren’t snarky comments. The chat reacts the way you’d want/expect. They laugh at his jokes, cry over his sad comments, cheer on happy trees, express amazement when he turns a painting around, cheer him on when he finishes.
There aren’t snarky comments. The chat reacts the way you’d want/expect. They laugh at his jokes, cry over his sad comments, cheer on happy trees, express amazement when he turns a painting around, cheer him on when he finishes.
I’d be tempted to agree if this were anyone else but Rollins. He’s just too good. He’s by far the best we’ve seen since HBK retired, and being the great worker he is, he makes others around him even better too. It’s a huge loss to all his future opponents.
Seems like an odd example considering the scanned model is considerably more stylized-looking and sexy than the rather boxy original model.
The things that pass for news on this website...
Oh thank you dbushik, it seems so rare that someone brings up reality in these types of emotion-heavy consumer debates.
The fan reaction is just oozing with thinly veiled racism.
Do you know what the FIFA Club World Cup is? It’s where the champions of each conference play each other. Sounds good in theory right? The best of each region of the world facing each other in an epic knockout tournament of champions! Except it’s fucking pointless because there’s only one competitive region, UEFA.
Two important distinctions should be made here between traditional sports and esports.
I recognize that all professions involve some level of complaining about the ignorance/competence of their customers/clients/general public. I think that’s natural. But what I find truly unique to game development, is how much it is done publicly and openly.
I had the opposite experience. I’ve been absolutely engrossed with the singleplayer, but have had a lot of difficulty finding interest in the online.
Looking forward to this one! Very unique
I think people are too harsh on youtubers/streamers. There are a lot of people out in there in industries that make huge amounts of money based on the exploitation of others and to the detriment of our society/economy/environment.
I’ve seen plenty of breast focused articles on this website (some I believe written by Patricia herself). I think you’re off base in thinking this is some sort of hypocritical reverse sexism article.
Seems strange to me, but who am I to judge them on their private decisions?
This breaks about every principle of effective criminal justice policy. It’s complete nonsense.
I agree with your comment on bullies. I think lots of words/phrases that are insults have little meaning to the person using them aside from the fact they’re insults. Often people even use completely illogical insults. Making fun of someone is not a declaration of someone’s world view. When you hear an insult like…
FIFA 15 online seasons makes me aggressive just thinking about it! Fuck you Ronaldo sprint whores!!
I despise the philosophy of IP, but clearly this guy is in the wrong. How can you assume IP of IP you don’t own, and then sell it back to the owners of the very IP you’re utilizing?? You certainly don’t have the rights to make such an absurd claim. Use this publicity as your reward and make money off art that isn’t…
Riot seems to be like the KeSPA of LoL, but with a lot more power.
These comments accurately reflect the maturity level of the average LoL pro. How they can be so unable to see the larger picture is baffling. You represent approximately 0.0004% the playerbase, and have no leverage to speak of.