Wrong wrong wrong. Unbelievable that you guys would post such an ignorant article like this. Please do a little research in the future!
Wrong wrong wrong. Unbelievable that you guys would post such an ignorant article like this. Please do a little research in the future!
You really should think about educating yourself more on world affairs if you think this is some obscure American sensitivity.
I get that they’re upset, but from a consumer perspective, surely steam purchased reviews are more relevant to you than hardcore fan reviews...
I don’t really understand. I mean that all sounds repulsive and unbearable. But I’m not sure I understand the focus on that baster scene. It sounds like one of the least disturbing bits of sexual violence and revenge I’ve ever heard for a horror movie. I’m confused by why that stands out more than the apparent…
I think it’s very cool to see people who have found their passion. :)
Woman who makes career out of blaming victims now victim blamed by company she victim blamed on behalf of.
There’s been an odd lack of skepticism surrounding this game.
I don’t see people having the patience. It’s too hard. Think of the tiny details people whine about in modern games.
I love how the “anti-political correctness” rightwingers are all jumping on CNN for letting someone use the horrible word “dick” on cable news.
People seem more vulgar and disrespectful than any time in recent history. Where is this idea coming from that everyone is so afraid to offend?
I wish I had enough passion got something to get a tattoo of it.
The natural consequence of allowing these timed items to be purchased with currency would be that players would feel pressured to save up currency and only use it during events.
A good reminder of how terrible the Republican party is, was, and will continue to be after Trump loses.
Zarya, a perfect representation of the Russian olympic team
Let’s not forget the role that video game news blogs like Kotaku play in this hyping. It wasn’t just reddit fanboys who created this myth.
How come our generation doesn’t look as cool as them? :(
But Emily, I don’t like the rules of this game. They don’t make any sense, they’re not fair, and they don’t make it any fun! It’s just random and frustrating!
No mental gymnastics needed. Simply abstain from giving a fuck.
The particle effects in the air in the upside down reminded me a lot of the Phantom Pain. Then I saw David Bowie’s picture on a wall and I was like ah, lots of things remind me of MGS here. Then Elegia (the song from the 2015 MGSV trailer) starts playing and I’m like wtf, Kojima influence?
I keep seeing suggestions of sabotage from the writer, but wouldn’t sabotage by Melania make more sense?