
This guy is clearly actively attempting to troll. He may well believe the core of what he’s saying (dislike for Geralt), but it’s clear from his sarcastic replies that he’s trying to upset others. He says he’s done multiple times yet keeps coming back to troll more.

It’s odd that the AC series gets berated so much for lack of diversity when it’s probably the worst example you could possibly come up with. Nearly EVERY single other big game series offers almost 0 diversity in its characters, but the single game that involves cultures from across the planet, male and female

We can all admit this is a strange way to treat your female protagonist right?

I guess when the higher ups are asked would you like more money or less money, they say more. It’s nothing honorable or respectable, nor is it evil. It’s just them playing their role which is purely driven by maximizing profit.

Now we just need a gravity mod for it. The pushup scene would have been much better!

It should be noted that the Steam Community Market is where players buy/sell random mostly useless digital items such as profile backgrounds, emoticons, and digital trading cards. The transaction is between two players’ steam wallets and a tiny transaction fee goes to valve. For example I pay 12 cents for cat

It really has been a wonderful renaissance. You can see in the fans, their signs, and the chants that the women’s matches in NXT are the most consistently engaging. Talented athletes, fun characters, and good long storylines.

I always just mute people on dota 2. There’s so much inconsistency among mic volumes, people’s speaking volumes, ability to speak a language well, and clarity with which they speak that I just find it a disaster often. I’ll occasionally hear some guy whisper a plan and another yell something unrelated, and a third

I’m so damn tired of this fallacy that people against paid-mods are not willing to spend money! People are 100% willing to spend their goddamn money! People purchase a ton of games on steam. I have 225 in my library and I know countless others have similar or greater libraries. But many of us have no interest in

That’s such a lie.

I think the problem with modders’ mindsets is they view themselves as owning these mods, but the EULA makes it 100% clear that they do not. It’s not theirs to tell valve what to do with it.

Trolling is too often used as an excuse for being inconsiderate to others. Your example of Halo is perfect for showing this. You and your friend are being dicks simply to upset random strangers. I think your comment on the funeral video about it being “hilarious” sums up about all we need to know about your

It’s always confusing to me why it’s so difficult for some people to not be blatantly racist/sexist on games. Is it that core to you that you cannot function without utilizing it when communicating with strangers? It really seems like it should be an easy thing to avoid.

Can anyone explain why I’m paying Bethesda for a mod that someone else made for a game which I already paid Bethesda for? What exactly did Bethesda do in this transaction that I didn’t already pay them for? I honestly cannot come up with an answer to this question.

What a sad change. Hopefully it doesn’t catch on. Suddenly giving 75% to companies who were already paid for their product seems a bit questionable when they’re offering nothing beyond what we already purchased from them.

The words you use to describe your peers are disgusting. Your article is nothing more than a childish rant against your fellow players whom you choose to dehumanize in typical online gaming fashion.

Seems reasonable. Tough to imagine these huge new productions being held down by what a couple individual writers happened to write over the past three decades.

Who exactly are all these “SJW”? I always hear about them, their constant whining about everything involving women, their dislike for men, and their tyrannical hold they have over the video game industry. But unlike people of this GamerGate movement, whom you can easily find in every single comment section ever on

Maybe this wasn’t the central point of the article, but I’m curious of why beasts are considered the female equivalent of a penis in this context.

I always mute voice chat. It’s always annoying background noise, unrelated chatter, breathing, coughing, and whining. It completely kills any immersion I have in the game.